Chapter 14 Magic Knight Orientation

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"I'm so happy for the both of you!! You boys are steps away from being Wizard Kings!" Asoka hugs her two brothers

"Come on, Asoka! It's Wizard King! Because there can only be one!" Asta corrects her

"You're right. Thanks for describing me. Anyway, are you sure you're going to be alright flying at your state?" Yuno asks her

Since she can't enter spacial magic, she'll have to fly her way to the Crimson Lions guild.

"I won't be alone, so don't worry about me... Miss Aya actually came to pick us up. Lady Seresu specifically called for her." Asoka says

"That's weird. You were you when it all happened..." Asta pointed it out, and Asoka tilts her head in confusion

"Yeah... they didn't come and take over you at all... Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Yuno asks, and Asoka pats the two on the shoulder

"I'm not sure... but when you two are out there, you need to look for yourselves - and don't forget to write to the church too! Asta, did you fix your handwriting like I told you to?" She points at her brother, who freezes

Then, he started holding his stomach.

"Crap! I gotta go!" Asta ranaway saying things about eating a grilled snake before the event.

Yuno and Asoka sigh but laugh about it.

"Yuno..." Asoka calls to him

She hesitates, but he needs to hear this from her.

"You're going to be surrounded by those who are higher than you've ever been in your's going to feel suffocating and lonesome, but -" she smiles to her brother

"Continue to stay true to yourself... You're  now in the Golden Dawn selected because of your hard work... Don't change too much of our Yuno..." Yuno nods, holding on his necklace

"And that goes the same for Asta, too! Don't think for a second that this is me showing favorites!" Asoka grins

But also hiding internally of the fact that his brother may be sticking himself in a group of troublemakers that can burn a whole town to the ground.

"I'll go on ahead. Tell him I said goodbye, okay?" Asoka waved, and Yuno waved back, watching her leave.

Asoka lets out a very long, heavy sigh of relief.

And squealed loudly of excitement tapping her feet on the ground, celebrating her hard work!

"Asoka?" She freezes hearing a familiar voice

Miss Aya, who's trying to hold her laughter by covering her mouth

"M-miss, Aya!! You- you!" Asoka blushes

"...That was so cute." Seresu says in a flat and empty tone. Literally sucking the soul out from Asoka, embarrassing herself not only in front of her senior but also her Master!


"(I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID SOMETHING UNPROFESSIONAL AGAIN LIKE THAT INFRONT OF MY LADY. THIS IS TOO MUCH IM GOING OUT OFF LINE!!)" Asoka panics in her head, walking over to Miss Aya and sitting beside on the cloud ride

"(HAH! I can't wait to tell everyone at work!)" Aya smiles at Asoka's direction, who's covering her face with her hand.


This is still a place filled with...

"Hearing about how you got Captain Fuegoleon raise his hand to choose you into the Crimson Lions still baffles me." Her senior Polka looks at her with judgemental eyes of his

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