'I don't know what you mean, I just said they're nice.'

'What did he do to make you like him?' Andr looked startled, but she gave in, this girl knew her all too well.

'He saved me from the rain and took me into his household. He stopped two iron golems to protect me. He gave me a comfy bed for a night, fed me a delicious meal. And...' Andr started playing with her fingers and looked down. 'He's going out of his way to help me find what I'm looking for.' Cupa stretched back.

'Wow, he sounds like nothing I've ever heard of. I've never met who can stop even one iron golem. I'll have to meet him and thank him for saving yah.'

'N-n-no you don't need too; he was glad to do it. You should have seen his home though, it was amazing!' As the two walked, Andr described the house. Every detail about the architecture and cosiness. After some time of walking, Cupa spoke again.

'You know, I've got an amazing idea! How about we invite some people and have a slumber party at your friend's house!'

'Haha, that would be... fun... I guess.' Apart for yourself, Cupa and another person, Andr didn't know anyone else. She just didn't know how to speak with others and had difficulty maintaining eye contact. After another minute of walking, the two came across a street named "Emerald. St".

'Wait, where're you going?' Cupa yells.

'I need to speak with the elder enderman. I'll be gone for a while, so I'll see you later.' Small tears appeared in Cupa's large amber eyes.

'Aww, but you just got back.' She started to sob.

'Don't cry, I should be back in the next few weeks. I'll make it up to you then.' Andr went onto her knees. Cupa whipped her eyes; she looked like a child.

'You will?'

'I will.' She gave Cupa another hug and waved goodbye. Cupa waved too, then walked away, back to her house. Andr began to walk to the end of the street. A house, carved into the rock wall of the cavern, sat there. She walks to the door and knocked on it. After a moment, an enderman with crusty old voice opens the door.

'Yes?' he asked. He was smaller than Andr, however he was hunched over and used a walking cane, so he may have been taller if he stood up straight. His skin was papery and grey with age, his silver beard fell halfway down his chest. His eyes were a dull dark purple, but they were the eyes of a man who had seen many things. Despite his age, this enderman could easily take care of himself. He looks up; his eyes opened wider. 'Andr!' he yelled. He came in and gave her a hug. 'Oh, it's been too long. How've you been?' the old man asked.

'I've been alright. How've you been Sir?'

'Oh, I still haven't kicked the bucket, so I'm laughing' he said with a chuckle. 'And please stop calling me that, just call me John.' Andr looked down at the man and deepens her gaze.

'Actually uh, I want to have a chat about something.' The old man raised a silver eyebrow.

'About what?'

'Well... Could we talk inside?' Andr asked nervously.

'Hm? Oh, of course, of course. Please, come in.' John turns and walks back inside his house with Andr on his tail. The roof was rather low for a normal enderman, so Andr had to bend down slightly. John pulls her a chair, he also brought her a cup of earthroot tea. 'Here. You're lucky, it just finished boiling.'

'Thank you.' Andr began to sip on the tea. It had the same earthy texture as it always did. She had been living with John as an adopted daughter for, well, as long as she could remember. Apart from a memory of her mother, Andr didn't have any other family. Only in the last year had she become independent. She spoke first.

Andr the EnderwomanWhere stories live. Discover now