VIII. The Seven Stages

Start from the beginning

Gibbs turned off the machine.


"Now what?" Luther asked.

"Now nothing, Luther, all right?" Five said. "Make your peace with God."

"What? What about Allison and Vanya?"

"Screw them both. They should have been here."

Five rolled his eyes.

Klaus groaned, sitting up. "What about Diego? He's quite the responsible young man, no? Elisa's quite the responsible young woman, yes?"

Five grunted and sighed.

"Something must've happened to them," Luther said.

"Screw Diego, all right?" Five said. "Screw everybody! I was better off on my own in the apocalypse."

Tobias narrowed his eyes. "Screw my wife? I don't like those choice of words, Five."

"Five!" Luther called. "Come on."

Five turned. "You know what, Luther? It's every sibling for himself now. Or herself. How 'bout that?" The door opened and slammed shut as Five walked inside.

Klaus sighed and whimpered, "Did Five just get meaner?"

Luther looked at his brother who was still sitting on the ground. "Klaus, go check on Allison, okay? Make sure she's okay. Find the others and we'll meet back here. Tobias and I'll handle Five." He jogged inside; and Tobias followed.

Klaus stood, letting out a grunt and a sigh as he looked at Ben. "And you, you have had your possession privileges revoked."

"I regret nothing," Ben said.

Klaus sighed. "Just stay out of me." He started walking away.

"I regret nothing!"

"Back off!"


Luther and Tobias followed Five up the stairs as Luther said, "Hey! Five, doomsday is still coming. We gotta think of a new plan."

"Don't you get it, Luther?" Five replied. "It's over, all right? We're already dead."

"Then where are you going?"

"I'm going to do the unthinkable."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

Five sighed. "I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this." He entered a room.

"Come to what, Five?" Luther and Tobias asked.

Luther locked a door as he called, "Five!" He banged on the door. "Come to what? Five!"


"Oh, sweet Jesus," Ray said, "what the hell are we gonna do?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Allison reassured. "Calm down, Ray."

"Calm down? Allison, you killed a vacuum cleaner salesman in our goddamn living room."

"Okay, technically his brother killed him. And they were not here to sell vacuums."

"There is a giant dead white boy on our couch."

"Yeah, you know, I'll admit, that doesn't look good."

"Oh, we're done. The movement is finished, Allison. They're gonna give me the chair for this."

"They're not gonna give you the..."

There were two knocks at the door.

Ray's voice trembled. "Okay. Okay." He unlocked the door.

"Hey, Ray-Ray," Klaus greeted. "I'm so sorry it's late, but, uh..."

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