VII. Öga For Öga

Start from the beginning

"No! No! Please don't!" AJ whimpered.

"Here's your quo." He raised his weapon.


Five smashed the fish tank and AJ fell to the ground with a thud.

Two girls walked out and said, "Oh," before returning to the room with a murmur.

Five sighed again and the fish flopped on the ground as the polka music continued.


A clock ticked.

"I hate to disappoint you, Benny boy, but you are not getting in this body," Klaus said, staring across the way at Ben. "No way."

"Well, you're gonna have to fall asleep eventually," Ben told him with a kiss.

"This is nothing. Once, in Rio, I spent eight straight days up."

"Without chemical assistance?"

"Listen, the point is I'm not gonna let you win." He started falling asleep and opened his eyes, inhaling sharply. "God, I hate your face."

"I hate all of you."

"Please, just..." Klaus whispered, starting to fall asleep again and gasped.

Ben shushed him. "It's okay. Fall asleep."

A clock chimed and Klaus gasped, spilling the contents of his teacup on him.

"Hey!" Klaus exclaimed. "Ben! Jesus Christ! Will you please...?" He set the teacup down. "Just, look, I'm going through a lot right now."

"You're always going through a lot."

"Ben-uhh! The love of my life is gonna die, and I can't stop it. I've tried every trick in the time-traveler's playbook. I told him I loved him. I told... I told him his future."

"And the only thing you succeeded in doing was freaking him out."

"Oh, God, I hate this. Not being able to do anything."

"Klaus, the way you feel right now is the way I feel every day. All I do is watch you make the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over again. Welcome to powerlessness."

"Oh, my God. That must suck. I'm sorry."

"You wanna make it up to me?"


"Come on, please!"

"You cannot possess me."

"Just for a few minutes!"

"No. Why? What's so damn important?"

"Jill. I..." he sighed. "I want to to talk to her."

"Jill... Oh, that's the, um..." he clicked his tongue. "The Moroccan girl with the limp? Right?"

"Seriously? We've been over this."

"I so rarely listen to you."


"All right, fine."

"Okay." Ben crouched above Klaus.

Klaus put his hands on Ben's shoulders. "But wait!"


"We need to talk about ground rules."


Cutlery clinked.


"Excuse me, babe," Sissy said.

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