Chapter 10

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"Ok guys let's go." Thomas said. We were all finally down on the ground. We started to run but quickly stopped. The big man that walked in earlier was now standing in front of us. He was pointing a gun at me.

"We don't want any trouble here. We just got to get out of here." Thomas said. Newt slowly stood in front of me.

"Is that so? How about this. I give you guys to Janson and I get maddie and peeta here back to where they belong." The man sneered.

"You want to take us back to Panem?" I asked surprised.

"Snow wants you back dead and that's exactly what I'm going to do." The man snickered. Everyone stood in front of me and peeta protectively. The man cocked the gun and had his finger on the trigger. A gunshot sounded and then a thud. I held back a scream. Who got shot? Was it Peeta? Or Newt? I stepped out in front and saw the man lying dead on the floor. The girl was standing in the doorway holding a gun. She shot him. Why?

"Okay come on. Let's go!" The girl said. We didn't hesitate for one second. We all ran after her. We were running up the stairs when something started playing. A song. Jorge was at the top of the stairs waiting for us.

"Brenda! Hurry! We don't have much time. Let's go!" Jorge said. The girls name is Brenda. Good to know. Jorge stopped in front of a window and opened it. A long line was tied to the window that went outside and was attached to another window on the other side. I guess were zip lining. This'll be fun.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Frypan said.

"Plan B hermano. You kids want to get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them but you're gonna owe me." Jorge said. He grabbed a rope and zip lined out the window.

"FOLLOW ME!" He yelled as he flew out the window. Minho went first. Then Frypan. Then Aris. Then Peeta. Then Newt. Then me. I know Teresa went after me. After we got to the other side we waited for Thomas and Brenda but they never came. Suddenly the building exploded leaving nothing left.

"THOMAS!" I screeched. I fell to my knees. No. No no no. Tears were stinging my eyes. Newt sat down behind me and pulled me into his chest.

"Let's go." Jorge said. Is he serious right now?

"Are you shucking blind?! Did you not just see what happened?!" I shouted. Anger was rising up inside me.

"If they survived then they're heading in the same direction as we are. There are underground tunnels they can follow. They'll meet us in town." Jorge said. If theres a chance that Thomas is still alive I won't waste another second here. Jorge was right. We need to get out of here before my dad finds us. I remember what that man said before we escaped. Snow wants me dead. That's why I was taken by WICKED. Snow sent me off thinking I would die in WICKED's experiments. Now I have doubts on going back. I'd be risking my life. And Peeta's. I look over at him. I wish he remembered me. There's so much I want to tell him. So much I want to talk about. But I can't. Not with his memories gone. I sigh and get up. Newt kissed my forehead.

"It'll be alright love. If I know one thing about Thomas it's that he's a survivor. He'll be there in town waiting for us. I'm sure of it." Newt said. I nodded my head.

"Let's go then." I said.


It was probably noon, we were in a town full of people.

"Where exactly are we going?" Minho asked.

"We're looking for a man named Marcus, if anyone knows where the Right Arm is it's him." Jorge said.

"How does he know so much about the Right Arm?" I asked.

"I think it's better not to know." Jorge said. What does that mean? Jorge walks towards a particular building. Music is blasting from inside the building. I do not have a good feeling about this. A strange looking man is standing at the entrance of the door.

"Hello Marcus. Long time no see." Jorge said to the man. Marcus does not look like a man with info. Jorge then slams the man against the wall of the building. Well that escalated quickly.

"Where's Brenda?" He growled.

"Ah... Brenda, she was so young last time I saw her. Beautiful girl don't you think?" Marcus snickered. Jorge slammed him against the wall again.

"Where is she? I know she came this way." Jorge demanded.

"What do you think? She's in there with the rest of them." Marcus did gesturing towards the entrance of the building. Jorge huffs in frustration and goes inside. A wave of relief rushes over me knowing that Thomas is alive. I can't lose anyone else. We all walk inside. The music grows louder and drunk kids are everywhere. Partying and drinking. I've never been to a party before. At least not one like this. Teresa found Thomas passed out on the floor. As everyone gathered around Thomas I noticed a group of guys staring at me. The way they looked me up and down gave me chills. I watched as one of them walked up to me. I turned around to ignore him. He tapped on my shoulder.

"Leave me alone." I demanded.

"Come on sweetheart, we just want to offer you a drink." The drunk boy said.

"Not interested." I said.

"Come on it'll be fun." The boy said turning me around. I shove him away.

"I said leave me alone." I growled. The rest of the drunk boy group erupted in ooooo. I turned back around and my friends and Newt were gone. Where did they go?

"What's wrong? Lost something?" The boy sneered. The group laughed.

"Come on, let's have some fun!" One of the boys said.

"You really don't want to mess with me." I said, rolling up my jacket sleeves.

"Honey this doesn't have to get messy. Just come hang out with us for awhile." Another boy insisted. One of the boys walked past me and I tripped him. He crashed to the ground face first. Two boys grabbed my arms and yanked me to the back of the building where no one else was.

"Let go of me!" I shouted. I kicked one in the stomach and he let go. I flipped the second one over and he landed on his back. They both groaned in pain. The boy I tripped pulled out a knife and held it against my throat. His disgusting body held mine against the wall. Before I knew it someone tackled the boy. Peeta. The boy was laying unconscious on the ground.

"Maddie are you alright?" Peeta asked.

"Yeah...uh...thank you." I stammered.

"I knew something was wrong when you weren't with the rest of us." Peeta said.

"Yeah I got held back by these idiots." I said. Peeta chuckled.

"Hey Peeta, I know I didn't have my memories in the maze but I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for not being around you." I said looking down at my feet.

"It's ok. I had friends in there but they all got killed except for Frypan." Peeta said.

"Did we know each other before the Maze?" Peeta asked. I sighed. He needs to know the truth.

"Yes." I said.

"We're we close?"


"I want to remember."

"I know. Peeta I know. I want you to remember too. I promise you I'm going to help you get your memories back." I said. Peeta smiled.

"Thanks. Now come on. Let's join the others. Thomas should be awake by now." Peeta said. I smiled and followed Peeta upstairs.

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