Chapter 4

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When me, Thomas, and Aris got to the vent Aris opened it and we all jumped down. The hallway was empty thank goodness. Thomas used the keycard and the door opened. We stepped into a small room with another door. On the right was a window. I looked through it and gasped. Tubes were lined up in rows and inside them were Grievers. The door in front of us opened and more horror was revealed. About a hundred teens were lined up in columns. They hung in the air. The only thing holding them were tubes. They were all unconscious and the only thing that was keeping them alive were respirators. I walked up to one teen to get a closer look. An IV was in her arm but coming out of it was a blue liquid. If I remember science correctly I don't think there's blue liquid in our bodies. Only a very tiny amount of blue liquid was coming out though. So if there is blue liquid in our bodies then there's barely any. We hear the exterior door open.

"Hide!" I whispered. Thomas and Aris hid on one side and I hid on the other. The interior door opened and Janson walked in. A scientist dude followed him with a tablet.

"You sure this can't wait?" Janson asked.

"She was very specific sir. She wanted to speak with you personally." The dude said.

"As if I don't have enough to deal with." Janson said.

"Just bear with me sir. I'm getting some interference from the storm."

"Come on it's good enough. Make the connection." Janson demanded. A beeping sounded then a big screen popped up in the middle of the room. Janson stood in front of it. A woman in white appeared on the screen. Ava. She's alive.

"Good evening Dr. Paige. Lovely to see you again. Although I admit I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon." Janson said.

"Change of plans Janson. I'll be arriving a little sooner than expected. First thing tomorrow." Ava said. I'm pretty sure I had a disgusted look on my face. I hated that woman.

"Oh we'll be delighted to have you." Janson said. I could hear the sarcasticness in his voice. He continued.

"I think you'll be pleased with the progress we've made. As you can see early results have been extremely promising. Whatever it is you've been doing to them in there, it's working." Janson said. In the corner of the screen a picture of brain activity popped up. Ava studied it for a minute.

"Not well enough. I just received board approval. I want all the remaining subjects sedated and prepped for harvest by the time I arrive." Ava said.

"Dr. Paige we are going as fast as we can. We are still running tests." Janson said. I could hear the fear in his voice. He's thinking about me. I could tell. He still cares about what happens to me.

"Try something faster. Until I can guarantee their security, this is the best plan." Ava said.

"Ma'am, security is my job. We're on 24 hour lockdown here. I am assuring you the assets are secure." Janson said.

"Have you found the Right Arm?" Ava asked. What's the Right Arm? Is that a person? Another government organization? Could it be people that will rescue us?

"Not yet. We tracked them as far as the mountains." Janson said. The mountains. The Right Arm is in the mountains.

"So they're still out there. And they've already hit 2 of our installations. They want these kids as badly as we do. And I cannot afford another lost. Not now when I'm so close to a cure. If you are not up to the task I will find someone who is." Ava said.

"That won't be necessary." Janson said. I heard him hesitate then continue.

"Might I suggest we start with the most recent arrivals?" Janson asked. I can't believe he just said that. Just like that and he's ready to hook me up to the ceiling? I feel tears burning in my eyes. How could my own father do this to me?

"Just get it done." Ava said.

"One more thing. Why didn't you tell me that you were going to put my daughter through the Trials? Cause I can tell you I was shocked when she showed up here. She even knew I was her father. I thought you promised me to not use her. She already went through the damn Hunger Games. It's a miracle she came out alive. And now here she is. Just got out of the Maze and here with me." Janson said.

"We need her. This is why I didn't tell you cause I knew you'd react like this. What's in her and the rest of them is helping cure the world. She's important." Ava said with a sigh.

"She could've died in that Maze. And now you expect me to hook her up to those goddamn machines?" Janson said.

"You listen to me Janson. I know she's your daughter but if you won't do it then I will." Ava said. Janson gave a frustrated sigh then turned to leave.

"I don't want them to feel any pain." Ava said. Janson stopped and turned back around.

"They won't feel a thing." He said quietly. The screen turned off and Janson left the room. Tears rolled down my cheek as I cried silently.

"Maddie we need to go. Now." Thomas said. I slowly nodded my head and we ran out the door. We climbed back into the vent and quickly made our way back to our room. We needed to get the others and get out of here. As of what I heard I know my dad is on his way to our room right now. Thomas kicked open the vent and we got up off the floor. I ran into Newts arms and buried my face in his shirt.

"We gotta go. We gotta go now!" Thomas yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Minho asked.

"What do you mean we gotta go?" Newt asked.

"They're coming. Come on. We gotta go." Thomas said. He grabbed a mattress and put it up against the door. He tied a bed sheet around the door handle.

"What happened?" Everyone kept asking but Thomas just responded with confusing answers. I lost it.

"It's WICKED!" I yelled. Everyone went silent and looked at me.

"It's still WICKED and it's always been WICKED." Thomas said.

"Tommy, what did you see?" Newt asked. Thomas explained everything really fast as best as he could.

"Guys! We need to go. Now!" I yelled. Everyone nodded and piled into the vent. Winston closed the vent door behind him. We all heard the officers bang down the door. Luckily we were faster and got out of there. We all quickly crawled through the vents. Thomas was in front. He picked a vent and opened it. We all got out. We were in a empty hallway.

"Come on." Thomas said.

"You guys go ahead there's something I need to do." Aris said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Trust me. It's important. You guys wanna get out of here right? Just go." Aris said climbing back into the vent.

"I'll go with him." Winston said climbing in after him.

"Ok go come on!" Thomas said running down the hallway.

"Are you sure we can trust this kid?" Minho yelled while running.

"You don't want to know where we'd be without him." Thomas said. Suddenly we turned a corner and ran right into Dr. Crawford.

"What are you kids doing out?" She asked. Just then the alarm started blaring and her eyes grew in realization. She saw me and that's when she grew very nervous. I gave her an innocent smile as Thomas grabbed her.

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