By the Poolside.

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After his gig at the bar, we met up with a few friends of his. They invited us to their home to party. Of course I had too much to drink, and one of his friends tried to make a pass at me. Peter being Peter scared the shit out of him and then carried me around for the rest of the night. At least from what I've been told by Sidney, one of the guys girlfriend, Alexander I believe. There was also Todd, Jeffrey, and William. They rented a house together. Who the hell wants two extra roommates? I couldn't do it even if you paid me.
I woke up in some sort of bunk bed, once the nausea subsides I get off the bunk. Not realizing I'm on the top one I fall off. Luckily Sidney was close by, she laughed but helped me first.
"Where is everyone? Where's Peter?" I ask. "Todd and William left to get some stuff at the store, I think they're bringing over some more people. And Alexander, Jeffrey and Peter are outside in the pool. Care to join us?" She asks. Taking a few moments to get my bearings, I press my hand against my forehead. "Let me get you some Advil and sunglasses." She disappears coming back with promised items. She leads me outside to the pool area, I don't have a bathing suit with me. But it seems Peter is in the pool in his gym shorts. For some reason there's a lobster by the side, I'm not gonna ask. My head is pounding.
Laying back on one of the pool chairs I exhale, it's too hot. It was only May.
While I bask in the suns rays, a shadow is cast over me. Squinting my eyes I see the tall man standing before me, hands on his hips. "Sidney tells me you're a little hungover?" Concerned, he sits down on the edge of the chair. "Why don't you get in the pool? There's a shady spot in the corner." His massive hand rubs my leg. "Come on bunny.." Hearing that I give in and stand up. He stands in front of me taking my hands, leading me towards the steps. When he gets to the second step he picks me up and I wrap my arms and legs around him.
Peter swims to the corner with me in his arms. Leaning against the concrete I prop myself up with my arms. He submerged himself under the water, then acting as a shark he comes toward me slowly. Popping his head up right in front of me he kisses my lips. "You sure did sleep for a while, are you sure you're alright?" He asks again. "Yeah, I'm alright. My head just really hurts, this Advil isn't working." I respond, tracing my fingers along his jaw line. With his arms around my waist he pulls me away from the corner. In the middle of the pool he twirls me around, kissing me and such. Jeffrey and Alexander whistle and make a commotion over the romantic gestures we shared. All of the sudden the place is bombarded with young women. It seems the troublemakers have returned with more than they bargained for. I could tell Sidney wasn't happy with all these girls being here, I wasn't either. Not that I think they'd have a snowballs chance in hell of taking Peter away from me, but the paranoia was still there y'know? Gripping tight to Peter a few girls get in the pool, some swarmed to the boys and the other couldn't help but comment on Peters size. He must've gotten fed up with it because he carried me out the pool and went in the house. Dripping wet he locks us in a bedroom on the second floor. I could tell where this was going, thankfully I wasn't too hungover.

Peter Steele, God of Seduction. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now