Chapter 9

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Valerian Root

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Valerian Root

Used for insomnia by helping induce sleep and calm the mind. Also relieves anxiety, and lowers blood pressure.


As I fell in and out of consciousness, I felt like I was thrown into an everlasting flame. Each lash stung with unbearable pain and with every shift of my body it felt like a thousand knives were being pressed into my skin. With every breath came a wave of agony. Whimpering in my sleepless form I kept trying to fall asleep but could not get my body to relax. I felt the presence of another person. Opening my eyes slightly, trying to focus on the figure in front of me.  A small frail woman was staring at me with fearful eyes. I tried to lift my head and then felt darkness take over me once more. 

I woke up to my body being lifted and carried away. With each shift, I cried. I felt my skin swelling and the heat that was emanating from my back came with a cold sweat and my body began to tremble. I have been whipped before, but never with such cruelty and to such an extent that I passed out. My previous owner was harsh but not as brutal as Mika. And all for shielding an older slave. 

I felt my body surface upon a wooden board. I lay there while the woman I saw before spoke to another more plump woman. I tried to stay as still as possible, taking small breaths to prevent my back from stretching. 

The plump woman introduced herself as Mariana, and the woman next to her who I learned was Freya was pacing back and forward. Mariana instructed her to watch me and to make sure that no one other than her came into the room. Mariana put on a cloak and stepped out of the room.

When Mariana returned she brought wither her a woman. The woman began to apply ointments to my back. She instructed Mariana to boil water and she added some powders into the tea and tipped the cup to my lips. I drank the bitter liquid and instantly fell asleep. 

This is Ester

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This is Ester

When I woke, I was surrounded by damp hay. my wrists were shackled to the stone wall and my body was throbbing. The pain is much more bearable than the night before. What did that woman give me? I don't remember anything after I drank from the cup. 

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