I turn around and start making my way to Draco's dorm. I guessed my way to the boys corridor and waited for Draco to catch up. I lent up against the wall, my heart beating faster than usual, I tired to calm myself down with some deep breaths as I tilted my head back and closed my eyes.

"Ready to do this?" Draco's voice surprised me, "The project I mean." I nodded and followed him up to his room.

Of course Draco had his own room, what else would you expect. His walls had exposed grey brick, the floor a deep chestnut wood with an emerald rug half under a fourposter bed, dressed professionally with dark green sheets, which I can only imagine are silk. There was a small desk facing out the window where Draco was pulling a second chair over for me.

"Wow Draco, I didn't know students were allowed to live in such luxury." I said looking at the family pictures that decorated his shelves, tracing my fingers around the frame of one with him and his mother standing in front of the Howarts Express on the first day of school. He looked so proud and happy.

He chuckled at my amazement and gestured for me to sit down next to him.

"I haven't seen that face since third year near enough." I say.

"What face."

"The smile." He instantly my wiped the smirk from his face. "I like it though, it suits you much more than the grimace you wear most days." I add trying to make it less awkward.

"The grimace?" He questioned.

"It's kind of like..." I attempted to mimic somewhat the face he usually shows.

"Wow, that was terrible." He chuckled again at my failed attempt.

"Well I tend not to fashion the look." I fire back, letting a smile grow on my face.

"Lets just get this done Ana, no need to drag it on." He said letting the amusement drop from his face. I don't think he even noticed calling me Ana,

"Ana? Giving me a nickname already Malfoy? I didn't think nicknames were your style." I smiled as he realised what he had called me.

"They're not my style but I figured I'd play nice, you couldn't handle the real deal anyway"

"Couldn't handle it! Please, I handle mudblood on a regular basis from you so do your worst mister."

*Draco's POV*

I didn't even know I'd called her Ana, it just slipped out, it felt almost like second nature to call her that. It's weird, the way she makes me feel at ease, as soon as she walked into my room it felt different.

There was something very charming about the way her face lit up when she walked in, she was genuinely amazed at something I take for granted everyday. I originally thought the library would've been a better place to study since I don't like people in my room, it's private but for some reason she was an exception, I didn't mind her looking at my photos, touching them, leaving her scent on them, I didn't mind at all.

The thoughts flooded my head as she looked at me with her emerald green eyes, God why'd they have to be green.

"Couldn't handle it! Please, I handle mudblood on a regular basis from you so do your worst mister." She said rolling her eyes and turning her body in the chair to face me fully.

As she brought her knee up onto the chair it brushed passed my hand and I felt her warm skin under my fingers. She was so distracting without even trying, she doesn't even realise how close her face is to mines as she was looking up at me.

"Mister huh? Look who's giving nicknames now, I could get used to that." I tell her mocking her sarcasm.

"Of course you could Draco." She broke eye contact by shaking her head, rolling her eyes again at my words, letting a smile creep across her face.

Her smile made me smile, it could make anyone smile. It's true what she said, I didn't smile nearly as much as I did years ago, I guess it's the consequences of growing up but for some unexplainable reason she could bring back my smile without even realising I was letting it happen. Ugh I can't be thinking like this, this year is no time to get distracted.

*Analia's POV*

I can't believe Draco is being so pleasant, I'm actually enjoying his company. It was easy going, to talk to him, laugh with him, who would've thought Draco Malfoy could be nice.

He says we need to get going on the project and we do, pulling out the handout sheet that outlined everything we had to include about the hippogriff decidedly focusing on their pride as animals and the the correct way to approach them with respect considering a certain someone should learn. After about three hours of working, and joking around, we finished the project.

Draco got up and started packing up as I found myself staring out the window, the sun was just about to set over the hill and was flooding the room with the last light of the day, the scattered trees looking like the tiny silhouettes of soldiers marching, it was beautiful.

I got lost in the scenery until I felt Draco lean down over me putting one hand on the desk in front of me, the other on the back of my chair. His rings were shining in the sunlight as he tapped his fingers on the dark wood. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as he spoke into my ear;

"What are you staring at?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"The view, Draco, it's beautiful." I turned to face him just now noticing how close he was, his face was centimetres away, his lips were centimetres away. His icy eyes found mines as my heart beat faster.

"Only one of the beautiful views I see." Was he talking about me? I gulped as he traced his eyes down my body and back up. His scent was everywhere, intoxicating me with expensive cologne. I spoke softly trying to find my breath;

"I.. I better umm.. I better go now." I stumbled over my words as Draco moved back, letting out a low groan through a smile. I slide up from my chair still inches away from Draco, "Ok.. so I'll see you tomorrow then." I said making my way to the door, feeling his eyes stay on me;

"Bye Ana." I turn and give him a smile before disappearing out the door, through the common room and into the school halls. I can't believe what just happened, what was that?

My head was spinning all the way back to the Ravenclaw common room, as I walk in, I see Luna and Hermione and I tell them everything, they think he's playing a game and told me to be careful but it didn't feel like a game, not in the slightest.

I make my way up to bed , however my head was too busy to sleep right now, I just lay there, going over everything again and again for hours until my eyes eventually closed and I drifted off to sleep.

Word count - 1907

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