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Classes had been cancelled for the day. The committee in charge of the masquerade ball were busy putting up the last of the decorations for the night so the rest of the school had been vacated. Which Krist was thankful for since he needed time to get ready, but at the same time it meant he wouldn't see Singto until later either.

Krist sat his glass of tea on the bar, hearing his phone beep from his bedroom. He didn't even try to stop himself from grinning when he saw his boyfriend's name on the screen.


Have you started getting ready? Maybe you could send me a preview? I missed seeing you this morning. I stopped by the school for a run through of events with the dean. Everything looks so perfect. I’ve never actually been excited for the ball before. Not even my first year here. But with you there, I’m looking forward to it.


I haven’t started yet, but no, you’re not getting a preview. I told you it was a secret and a secret it will stay. You’ll just have to be patient. Yes, I too missed watching you ignore my lecture while sending me cute texts. If you weren’t in the top of the class, I would have reprimanded you already. Maybe I should. Just take that phone from you so you’re forced to pay attention to me. You’re such a sap, I swear. Well, I am excited because I’ve never been to something like this. Plus, I’m hoping to meet my very own prince charming there.


I have been very patient where you’re concerned, don’t you agree? If you take my phone, I will start drawing pictures and holding them up for you and the rest of the class to see. And what do you mean ‘in the top’? I am the top. In every situation. Prince Charming hm? Are you in need of rescuing, my fair princess?

Oh geez. Singto could really lay it on thick, couldn’t he? Even making Krist blush through text. How was he supposed to resist that?


That innuendo did not go unnoticed Tuan… And yes, you have been very patient for me and I really do thank you for that. Fine, keep your phone, but if anyone looks please at least try to look like you’re paying attention, because it isn’t fair that you get a distraction and I don’t. I... might just be in need of rescuing.


I have to keep myself distracted or I won't be able to stay in my seat. Then the class really would get a show. We could show them an example of all that romance we talked about last week hm? You don't need to thank me. I love you. I'd do anything you asked Krist. Including rescuing you from all the 'dragons’ that are sure to want to eat you up tonight. I have to go now though sweetheart to start getting ready. I will see you later tonight.

Was he really… oh hell. His boyfriend was such a pervert. And Krist was one hundred percent sure Singto would be happy to show them the romance as long as he could get those hands on him. Truth be told, all he'd been able to think about the past few days was how Singto's lips felt on his neck. He'd never gone further though which was both relieving and frustrating. For a moment the way he'd been manhandled had left Krist's adrenaline surging but once the kissing had started, he'd relaxed, knowing he was perfectly safe in Singto's arms.

He absolutely could not wait for the real thing.

Krist sighed. He supposed it was time for him to start getting ready too. He’d been so excited when he’d finally found all the pieces for his outfit, but now as he pulled it from the closet, Krist began to have second thoughts. Maybe he should have just rented a tux. Maybe this was too much, too risqué for this event. It was at a school, and he was a man after all. Why did he always have to go so overboard? The answer, though maddening, was simple. He’d been dressing for Singto, not the ball.

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