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Slight warning for depictions of suicide.

"Krist...Krist, you have to wake up."

Krist groaned, pulling himself out of a deep haze of sleep. His mind wasn't processing right. He couldn't figure out why he shouldn't be asleep until his cloudy eyes fell on Alice, his boss. Why was she in his apartment...

Oh no.

Reality shocked him sober and Krist sat straight up in his chair, panic clear in his eyes. Sure enough he was still sitting at the small table in the middle of the bookstore. He'd only sat down for a ten minute break! How long had he been sitting here??

"P'Alice" He said, quickly standing up and almost knocking over his chair in the process. "I- I am so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. However long I was here, I will work past my time. Without pay of course."

Alice narrowed her dark eyes. She wasn't too much older than himself. Maybe pushing forty. But she had always been so kind to him and now he had disrespected her by falling asleep on his job.

"Krist, when was the last time you got a good night's sleep?" She asked, pushing him to sit once again.

"Um...a few nights ago maybe? I slept during the day anyway. I picked up extra hours at the store and it's just taking me a few days to adjust. I swear this won't happen again. Please, I need this job."

"I'm not going to fire you." Alice chuckled and Krist let out a shaky breath of relief. "But I want you to go home Krist. You need to rest. Today and tomorrow. Do not come here."

Krist shook his head. "Thank you, but no. I will stay and work. I have too." Before he could argue any further, Alice was shoving a handful of bills into the pocket of his apron.

"Consider a cash advance on your paycheck. Go get something healthy to eat and go to bed. Promise me you will?"

He couldn't answer, a sob choking off anything he could say. Krist simply nodded, getting up from the table and going to get his jacket. He'd pick something cheap to fill his hungry stomach then bring the rest of the money back to Alice, then he'd pay her back the rest once he got paid again. Her kindness was appreciated and he would make sure she knew that.

Krist left the store and stopped at a ramen place along the way before finally making it to his apartment complex. Alice had been right, he was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to crawl into his poor excuse for a bed and sleep for the next twenty-four hours. Fate though seemed to have other plans for him if his landlord standing by his door was any indication. "Krist, you're finally home. Isn't it a bit early?"

He stopped in his tracks, unwilling to go any closer to the man. He knew the look in his eyes and what it meant and Krist was just so tired. When would he ever catch a break?

"I was sent home on account of being ill. Please, let me rest."

The look of sympathy on the other man's face made Krist's skin crawl it was so fake. "I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, but you haven't paid your rent properly in a few weeks. You've been working too much."

"I have too!" Krist snarled at him. "I had to pick up extra shifts to be able to pay."

His landlord rolled his eyes. "You're being overdramatic. We had a deal and you aren't keeping up your end of it. And come to think of it, I think it's time to raise your rent again. The building needs repairs after all. An extra hundred shouldn't be too much for you, right?"

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