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Take two.

It was raining. And not just any rain, cheeky romance flick, kiss in the rain, downpour. In other words, it was perfect. Krist loved rainy days like this, when the sky was grey and the city around him had this melancholy feel to it. Plus, even amongst the skyscrapers and taxis, the rain still managed to smell fresh, giving him the feeling that he could start over. Today was a new day and he was going to conquer it.

Biting his bottom lip, Krist dug at the carpet of his bedroom with his toes. He'd gone shopping yesterday afternoon just like he'd said, picking out a few outfits that he thought would make him feel more comfortable standing in front of all those students. Now he just had to decide...which one Singto would li- Which one to wear. Will he go with the one his student had suggested? Or one he'd come up with on his own? Too many choices. And in the back of his mind he was still a tad anxious about all of this. What if the dean didn't appreciate such casual attire? Surely, he wouldn't be fired over clothing right?

His anxieties were getting the better of him...again.

No. Not this time. He wasn't going to let his backwards brain make a mess of things this time. And hopefully Singto could help him with this too.


He posed a whole new problem, didn't he? Krist would be lying to himself if he said the student hadn't had some kind of...effect on him. He was...different. Smart. Kind of funny. And maybe he was just a little bit attractive. Not that it mattered obviously, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to at least have a student that didn't hate him. He would just have to make sure everything between them was kept professional. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

Blowing out a breath through pursed lips, he finally decided on the outfit Singto chose and got dressed. Maybe he even brushed the ends of his hair a little more than normal and put on a little makeup around his eyes. There was no reason he couldn't look good after all. And he did look good. Krist would admit that himself.

The bus ride to the University was nerve wracking. Every minute he sat there was just another minute for his head to think up every possible scenario that could go wrong when he entered that lecture hall. His palms were already starting to sweat as he opened the front door to the med building. Maybe he should get some water before class...

Get your shit together Krist!! He berated himself, reaching for the door handle. This was it. Either he pulled this off or he'd definitely have to be finding himself a new job. So instead of letting the panic take over, he took a deep breath and opened the door. At least this time he didn't immediately trip and send all of his papers flying. No, he squared his shoulders and looked up, making his way to the podium in the center of the hall before lifting his eyes to look around the room. The initial shock of seeing all of his new students hit him once again like a brick to the face but Krist willed his heartbeat to slow down as he searched the room.

And there he was. Just in the center of the room about six rows up. Krist had to keep himself from smiling but Singto didn't. He offered him a thumbs up and an inconspicuous wink along with that slight grin. Honestly Krist hadn't expected this to work at all, but the moment they made eye contact his entire body cooled down, his mind coming to a standstill like it wanted to pay attention now.

The other students watched him curiously, more than likely expecting him to bolt from the top again. That wasn't going to happen. No, he laid his arms along the edges of the podium comfortably and gave them all the smile he wanted to give only Singto.

"So." He started, catching their attention further. "Yesterday huh? Can we all just collectively agree to pretend that didn't happen?"

A round of 'yeah, yes, hell yes' went through the room and Krist wiped at his forehead dramatically.

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