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Singto was exhausted.

He'd been traveling for the past two months from place to place, all over the world doing research for his own hospital. His trip was soon coming to an end though. Honestly, he had saved Chiang Mai for last not only because he'd wanted to spend more time here, but he'd also been hoping to find Krist. No such luck though. Singto has scoured every school and college he could find but so far, his ex hadn't been working at any of them. And now he only had a handful of days left before leaving and any chance of finding Krist behind.

The first few months after Krist's disappearance had been admittedly hellish for him. Singto had been thankful for Christmas break from classes because he probably would have missed quite a few the first couple of weeks. Hell, he'd barely left his bed for the first week. He hadn't been able to wrap his mind around why Krist would just up and leave him, especially after the night they shared and agreeing to marry him. Singto knew the bit about his mother being sick was a lie, though he was shocked Krist would use such an excuse. It hadn't become clear to him until a few weeks later when Nat had come knocking, whining about how 'the little freak was gone and now it was just the two of them again'. Singto had drug out every dark secret Nat had been keeping, including his intentions towards Krist. Ultimately, even with the information Nat had begrudgingly given him, he was still unable to find his ex.

After their fight Nat had slunk off into a corner to lick his wounds and of course Arm had been there to help. Singto wanted to stay angry at him, he truly did, but he knew Nat was messed up, and he honestly needed help. So, he'd talked to Arm and they'd both convinced Nat to start therapy. To his surprise, it was actually helping too. Nat had even come to him one night in tears, begging Singto to forgive him for what he'd done to him and Krist. Even agreed to help find him, but still no luck. Krist didn't want to be found.

Cold air rushed around him as the convenient store doors automatically slid open before him. It was late July and the weather was still too warm to be enjoyable so the air-conditioned store felt like a relief. An employee from the front of the store welcomed him and Singto nodded before looking for something quick for dinner and maybe a few beers. It had been a long day after all and he had nowhere to be tomorrow. A little buzz wouldn't hurt him. After gathering a few things and taking his wallet from his bag, Singto made his way to the front counter and placed everything down.

Usually he would greet whoever was working with a smile, but honestly he was just too tired to do so tonight. So when he noticed that the employee wasn't ringing up his little collection of items, Singto felt a bit put off and lifted his head to see what the hell the problem was.

The problem was...Singto's heart was breaking all over again. The poorly glued together pieces were crumbling to dust in his chest and he had to support himself on the counter to be able to stay standing as he looked into olive brown eyes he had grown to love so much.

"Krist." He breathed out, afraid that the sound of his own voice would ruin this dream he found himself in. It had to be a dream because there was no way his beautiful little professor was standing here before him. And Krist was looking just as dumbfounded, eyes wide as saucers, mouth hanging open like he was going to speak, but what the hell would he say?

"Krist, please say something so I know I'm not dreaming."

The other still looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "I- Um...D- Did you find everything okay sir?" He finally got out and Singto felt his empty cavity of his chest turn into a sucking black hole. Was he truly not even going to acknowledge him?

"Come on, Krist please don't act like this. I've been trying to find you for so lo-"

"Your total is 880 baht, please." Krist said sternly, holding out his hand for the money which Singto took out of his wallet with a huff. He couldn't believe this. He'd almost rather this whole ordeal be a dream than to be put off like this.

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