Carlisle spoke for Joseph. "She is safe." he told the truth, just leaving out the part where I turned into a hybrid. Seth growled lowly, attempting to control his nerves about the threat to my existence. 

It's okay, Seth. I thought, laying my paw on top of his on the grass floor. 

One of Aro's disciples spoke up from beside him, clearly more confrontational than the others. "Master how do we know this coven has no intention to overthrow us themselves? We have crossed paths with their dishonesty and rule breaking in the past. Why should we trust you to fight with us now?" The blonde woman asked in a matter of fact and smug tone.

"We consider this aid a peace offering for our past run ins. We have respected your authority for many centuries, and have no intention to draw that to an end. Simply do what is right," Carlisle summarised, knowing Aro would understand seeing as he had already held his hand and seen the truth.

Alice interrupted. "They will be arriving shortly, their numbers seem to have grown." she announced, letting panic show in her voice at the vision she had encountered.

"Ah Alice!" Aro clapped excitedly. "Well I suppose we should prepare."

"Brother, are we really going to ignore the collusion with wolves once again? Our natural enemies?" the tall blonde man asked in a snooty and entitled fashion, also looking for reasons to fight like the woman.

Aro shook his head. "It seems these creatures are here with the intention of bringing peace to us - an understanding of sorts has been formed." he dismissed, not interested enough in us to care. "Dare I say I am curious to have them on our side for this instance," he giggled in a child-like yet sadistic manner.

He's actually off the rails, I thought.

Clearly stopped taking his meds. Jared agreed.

Paul huffed a laugh. Leah can give him some.

I growled on Leah's behalf as she dismissed my brother's insults.

Focus, tribe. Sam demanded as Jake glared at us authoritatively.

We were only able to relax and prepare for a few seconds before in the distance, our supernatural hearing picked up the sound of what seemed to be a hundred rabid, newborn vampires, closing in on the area and commenting on their goals.

"Stay alert, don't be predictable, protect each other." Carlisle uttered lowly to everyone.

We've got this. Jacob announced through the pack link.

The stampede got heavier and heavier, finally slowing to a halt across the field from us where they allowed their numbers to show. There were more of them than us - a fair few more. But we had experience, multiple gifted vampires, Juliet hiding in the trees, myself, and the huge Wolfpack  - we weren't confined to just newborns.

Phillip lead their army as expected. His red eyes bore over us across the field, searching the competition with a smug smile on his face. By sheer number, he had won, and that was apparently enough for him.

Little did he know.

"Phillip, my old friend. I'm curious as to your reasoning for this?" Aro spoke, quietly as if among a small room, but knowing everybody could hear. 

He laughed. "Enough pleasantries, Aro. Enough stalling. Need I remind you of how you banished me?" Phillip answered. "I need no more reasons to overthrow your reign. Your time is up. My turn." 

A dirty, shiver-inducing smirk found its way to Phillip's face as we hissed and growled at the sight. 

"Joseph, my young intern. I see you've made the mistake of changing to the losing side." he observed, making Joseph shiver, though maintaining his stance and standing his ground.

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now