Harry Imagine (requested)

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"Zariah! Could you please come here?" yelled your boyfriend Harry. You sighed and got up from your comfy bed, wearing only a blue tank top and black booty shorts. You skipped down the stairs to the kitchen. You find Harry sitting at the table, hands folded and by his mouth. His hair is messy, like always. He has a blank expression on his face and his left leg is shaking up and down like hes nervous or something.

You walk over to the table and sit across from his and look into his eyes. He looks back at you and you see a tear trickle down. 'This cant be good.' you thought.

"Harry, whats wrong?" you asked and ypu place yout hands on the table.

"Zariah, we've been together for a long time. You have blocked the hate, stayed by my side through good and bad, forgiven me for my mistakes, travelled with me." he stops and sighs. His eyes look away from you and you tense up.

"Hazza... where are you going with this?"

"Zari, you are an amazing girl. You are my life." he looks back at you. You loosen up but you knew something was wrong.

"Are you cheating on me Harry?!" You asked with a small voice crack, showing your about to cry.

His head snaps to you immediately.

"No! Baby i would never do that to you! I love you!" he takes your hands and kisses them.

"Then what is it Harry?? Why did you-"

"Will you marry me?" he cuts you off.

Your jaw immediately drops and your eyes widen. 'Did he just say marry me?'

A tear forms in your eyes, you try to say something but nothong comes out.

"Zariah, I love you with all my heart. You are my life, my soul, my partner. I made a promise to your mom the day i met her that if i wanna marry you, i have to.protect you, and i did. So, will you do the honours of marrying me?" with that he pulls out a small dimond ring and puts it infront of you.

You smile and nod your head. "Yes Harry Styles. Ill marry you!"

Harry smiles brightly, showing his glowing eyes and dimples. He slips the ring on your ring finger and kisses you passionately. You embrace him in a hug and that night, lets just say you guys kept the neighbors up all night ;)

********* Hope you liked the Imagine Sapphire_632!!! ;) and if u want an imagine please message me or comment :)*********

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