Harry Imagine

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Its christmas time. You decided to get all the christmas decorations out so you could get a head start. Three hours past and your half way done. The house looked magical, but all you were missing was a christmas tree. You sighed and decided to look for good deals on the web. Suddenly yoyr door bell rings. You get up and answer the door.

In front of you was a good sized, green tree. "Delivery for (YN)." ypu recognized the british voice. "Why thank you sir. If only I could repay the man who got me this tree." Harrys head popped from behind the tree. He had his cheely smile on. You saw his gorgeous dimples. "And what will that sir get as his reward?" Harry wiggled his eye brows at you. You laughed and let him in with the tree. "I would repay the man with a christmas kiss." harry chuckled. "ill get the kiss after i put this tree in." You showed Harry where to put it. He set the syump into the tree bowl and tightened it. It was beautiful.

"Now for that kiss" he smirked and pulled you into him. You giggled and planted your lips onto his cold ones. For a few minutes you stood there with Harry holding you. Finally you guys pulled away and looked at the tree. "Now all i gotta do is decorate." harry squeezes your shoulder. "Uh scratch that. WE need to decorate the tree." Harry sent you a smile and you giggled.

The hours went by and soon the tree was covered in child ornaments and lights. You grabbed a chair and stood on it. "Haz, can you pass me the star?" you reached your hand out so Harry could pass it. The tree was beautiful. As you placed the star on, Harry took a photo with his phone. "Harry, why did you take the photo?" you stepped down. "Because i wanted it to be a reminder of our first christmas Love." he showed you the photo. You looked amazing. You smiled and kissed harrys cheek. "I love it." harry smiled and planted his lips on yours. "I love you (YN)." "I love you too Harry."

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