Liam Imagine (part 2!!)

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You unlock the door and peek out. You dont see Liam anywhere. Ypu step out and go to the closet. Your startled but a pair of arms snaking around your waist. You look over and see Liams face. His eyes are red and puffy, the tear stains down on his face left trail lines. You look away and his grip tightens.

"You are my precios star YN. Im so sorry for hurting you. I never meant to slap you. God! Im such a monster." the tears re-appear.

You look at him and wipe his tears. He lets you go and you grab him by the neck and pull him down for a pasionate kiss. He doesnt hesistate and kisses you back. The tears he let go touch your face and you wipe them away. Deep down you knew he didnt cheat on you and your feeling grew. You look at Liam straight in the eyes. His eyes always made you melt.

"I love you Liam. And I believe you."

A smile appears and he pulls you onto the bed. He rips off all your clothes and you take off his. Liam sets you on top.

"Tonight, Im letting you take control babe." he whispers and smiles. This time, youd make him love you more then before.

The next morning, you felt the strong arms of your boyfriend around you. You smiled and snuggled closer. Warm kisses are planted on your neck. You giggle and turn to face him. You gasp when you see a dimond ring in front of your face. Your eyes light up and you look at him.

"YN, will yo-" you cut Liam off by pouncing on him and planting a wet kiss on his lips. He smiles.

"Guess thats a yes?" he looks at you.

You nod and Liam slips the ring on your finger. From that moment on, Liam never let you go.

*******Sorry it took so long. Writers block :/ its a pain in the ass.. but i got it done!!! :) plz comment and vote and fan me plz!!!! i take requests also!! ;)********

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