My Naked Forever

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My Naked Forever

Cold stories made her wilt-
A  rare warmth in heart, she bear;
And the weight of the crown
That she must wear,
Was too hard to walk with,
Amidst people, those choked her breath;
Charity made her poor in soul,
Though she never asked for more.

And like those innocent white lilies,
She was still beautiful
As if an old love song's lyrics;
So diligent at heart,
Was an outcast for all other girls.

Again, like an never-ending stream of blood wine,
She's what every man likes
And craves to spend just a night;
Having a taste of her exotic flesh,
So rare, like a pearl in clam-beds.
Pretending to be fine with all the eyes,
At the end, it got too hard to hide.

She trusted me more than deserving;
I was her safe nest, for her soul to sing.
Then again, I was just a friend
Like last summer nights,
When only the sad songs played.
Unknown to her,
Like always-
She forgot the flowers that I once send.

I should've cherished her faith,
The worth none can buy ever in trades.
Instead, so blindfolded in jealousy,
I started having illicit fantasies;
Made a grave mistake,
Underneath burning with hatred.
I was no good, no better,
Cause I stripped her off her red petals-
Outside it broke a havoc-
A storm had just set off:
That evil stifled her tears, her pleads
And gave birth to a nasty sin.

It's been a while since then-
I haven't seen her ever again.
Guess, I became a cold murderer:
I slaughtered her soul;
And an irony so bold,
Made her fairytale the preface of the cold story,
She never liked the most.
With purple hyacinths crowding my mind,
I know there's nowhere I can hide;
And for caught up in not acceptance,
I lost my forever in countless regrets!

A/N: The gist of the above piece is, when people can't accept something, they indulge in doing some terrible things, and when they start getting the whole picture, they are left with nothing but regrets.

Just tried to portray the typical stereotypes of this society. So bear with it.

P.S. Don't take me for a misandrist though. It's just a fact!

And vote, share & comment. It means a lottttttt to me.


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