"It was fucking tea," he found himself blurting out before he knew it.

He was met with silence and then, "seriously? That's what you- Oh sorry, my bad, Katsuki! What a horrible mother I am! Tea! Of course it was tea because that makes all the difference-"

"Yes, it fucking does! It- I-" he cut off with a sharp sigh. "I can't have tea anymore."

He waited with bated breath for his mother's response, wondering why on fucking earth he even said that. It's not like she'd care-

"You don't drink tea anyway, Katsuki," she replied. He opened his mouth to tell her something along the lines of 'Shut up! I fucking knew that!' but she cut him to it. "But okay, squirt. No more tea."

Katsuki blinked. What? That wasn't what he was expecting at all.

"Fuck tea, anyway, right?" She continued. "Like who drinks that herbal shit anyway? It's fucking dirty leaf water-"

"Coffee is fucking dirty bean water, so what's your point?" He interjected. Why he did it? He doesn't know. It doesn't matter either way since she continued on like Katsuki hadn't said anything.

"Oh! And don't get me started on whatever the fuck these fruit teas are. Like what the shit? It's fucking heated juice! Absolutely disgusting."

He needed to end this because if he didn't, she'd end up continuing to rant about fucking tea and he'll never get the opportunity to get to the reason why he called the hag in the first place.

"Are you inviting Auntie Inko and Deku over for Christmas this year?" He asked, cutting her off. He wasn't one for easing into things anyway.

His mother scoffed at his words before turning to yell into the speaker once again, causing him to yank the phone away from his ear. "You still call him that name?!"

"Well he doesn't call me by my fucking name!" Katsuki shouted back, again, ignoring the stupid passerbys who wouldn't mind their own fucking business. "Besides! It's his damn hero name now!"

"Oh shut up, Katsuki! In all my years as your mother, I've never seen you correct him even once!" His mother rebutted and Katsuki pursed his lips angrily, hating the way his face began heating up under those implications.

He could hear the old hag cackling at his silence and grinded his molars in frustration before opening his mouth to spit out, "Shut up! Answer my question!"

The cackling stopped as his mother turned back to the phone. "Haah?! What quest- Oh!" A beat. "You want to invite the Midoriya's over this year? What the shit? Are you really my son?"

Katsuki let out a scoff as his eyes found their way back to the brats still playing around. "Tch, we do it every year. I just want to know if we're doing it this year."

He held back a snort as one of the kids tripped the other to tag them and rolled his eyes when the latter started to cry. It wasn't even that hard of a fall. What a crybaby. He blinked when his mother's voice filtered through the speaker once again, not noticing that she had gone quiet in the first place.

"Did you hit your damn head?"

"Haah?!" He yelled, but she continued on.

"We haven't invited them over in years, brat. In fact, you're the one who threw a tantrum over it to break that tradition," she spoke disapprovingly. "So, what made you change your mind now, hmm?"

When Katsuki didn't reply right away, his mother's voice took on a more teasing tone.

"Is it that maybe something happened between you and Izuku? Something special?~"

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