「 chapter five. 」

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This morning, I woke up on my own, without anyone barging in my room. Maybe they had a meeting or something... I sat up and yawned, as the memories of last night came back to me causing my face to flush.

As I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, I realized that my thick eyebrows were starting to grow in unflattering places, and started to look messy. After searching through the pouch of sanitary items France provided me, I finally found a pair of tweezers.

Thank GOD. At least I can tweeze the stray hairs that grow in. I thought, thankful, as I proceeded to tweeze the stray hairs.

Biting my bottom lip to avoid shouting curses, I persevered and finally finished plucking.

Ugh, why do I have to be so intolerant to pain? How annoying... I thought, annoyed, as I continued with my normal morning routine of brushing my teeth and hair.

Next, I went to my closet and looked for something to wear.

Hm... I wonder if I'll see America today... Should I wear something on the nicer side then...? Wait, why am I thinking like this?!?! I shouldn't care!

I flushed again at the thought of last night when he read to me. It was so pleasant. I finally decided on a red dress that ended right below the knees. It had long, puffy sleeves and a nice ruffled high collar with a few buttons. The dress cinched at the waist, causing the fabric to drape nicely after that, with a small and big set of ruffles at the bottom. I paired this with black tights, short black satin gloves, black Mary Jane shoes with a small heel and a short black ribbon to tie some of my hair back.

Just as I was getting ready, I heard the door open, revealing France with a plate of food. I walked up to him, taking the tray from his hands, and smiled, "Thanks, France. I was starting to get hungry."

"WHAAAAT?!" France looked horrified.

I looked at him, confused, "What? Don't act like an idiot, I was having a pleasant morning."

"I- Uh- N-No, Mademoiselle! I apologize for that outburst! I-It's just that it was very surprising how pleasant of a mood you were in right now... Weren't you in pain yesterday? What happened?"

"Oh? So I'm not allowed to be in a good mood now? And plus, it's none of your damn business, anyway, France." I turned around as I motioned for him to leave the room, "Now run along now. Just looking at you is annoying me."

And just like that, the country was out the door.

I set my tray down on the coffee table and went to my bookshelf to grab a book. I decided to lay off "The Wizard of Oz" for now, in case America wanted to read with me again.

Of course, he won't, you dimwit! He was just doing that for you because of your concussion! You shouldn't get your hopes up. My conscience chastised me, and yet, I still decided on something else for the time being.

I sat alone, reading my book while eating breakfast. When I finished my tray, I set it aside and just took the bitter cup of coffee with me to my reading chair. I sat Indian style, one hand holding a coffee cup and the other, holding my book. I was alone anyway, it's not like anyone would see me in the comfortable, yet classless position. After reading about 150 pages of the book, I decided to play the piano. I wasn't nearly as good as Austria, but I enjoyed the pastime regardless.

I started playing random chords and humming the tunes along with them. I fumbled through some chords a few times, but it wasn't like I was playing for an audience, so I didn't care. Suddenly as I was playing...

"BOO!" America's voice scared me and gripped my shoulders, causing me to let out a high-pitched yell.

My face went red, due to America now knowing that I can get jumpscared easily.

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