「 chapter four. 」

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Time: World War I

Transylvania's POV

After my surprisingly pleasant interaction with America, the day was pretty uneventful. I read for the rest of the day, with Russia coming in to give me my dinner. It actually had flavor this time, probably being cooked by China... I showered after dinner and then went to sleep.

"Let me go, this instant!"


As I heard her voice, I saw the woman who raised me. When I saw her again, I thought I'd be filled with joy. But this wasn't the case.

She was wrapped tightly in rope, captured.

"It's alright, Hungary. If you just cooperate, this won't be so... painful."


I saw him, taunting her.

"No way! I'll never let you have Transylvania! We were happy! And you had to come and ruin it!"

"Don't defy me, Hungary. You're only making it worse for yourself."

"I'll never let you take her!" Mom tried to be strong.

"Alright, then...

I guess I'll have to use force to get my way then."

Then a distorted, demonic laugh came from the man.

I tried to call out to her, but to no avail.

My voice.

Was far gone.

I can't save her.

I'm powerless.

Anya... Mom...

She can't be...


"MOM!" I screamed, waking up from my terrible dream, panting heavily.

Oh my god. It was just a dream.

I put my hand on my face. I was crying.

Oh great.

Just then, the door opened, revealing France.

"Mademoiselle! Are you alright? I heard you scream!"

I started to feel lightheaded, "I-I'm okay..."

"You don't look good, Transylvania, are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine!" I yelled back.

"Are you sure, Mademoiselle?"

"Yes! I-I'm... g-good..."

And then, there was darkness.

My eyes fluttered open, everything was smudged, like an oil painting. I couldn't focus. There were a few shadows around some figures.

"Oh thank god, she's up! Transylvania are you okay?"

"A-America? W-What happened?"

"You passed out when France came in this morning! He realized that it was the concussion catching up to you from when Russia hit you with that pipe. I'm so glad you're okay!" My vision finally cleared, enough to see America's worried expression and his hands grasping on my right hand.

"I don't think 'okay' is the right word. My head really hurts." I said bringing my left hand to my head.

"Lemme call France! Hold on a-"

"America..." I cut the man off as he was out the door.

"Yeah? Do you need anything?" America walked back to my bedside as I sat up.

"It's just a headache. Please don't call France. All I need are some painkillers and a cup of water. Then..." My voice lowered, embarrassed.

"What is it?"

"Can you stay with me when you come back?" I asked, face flushed, looking down.

I looked up to see America's features softened, "You got it, dudette!"

America was back in less than 5 minutes, with what I requested in his hand. He sat on the edge of the bed, next to me.

"Here you go. Wasn't that so quick? Just like a hero saving his damsel in distress!" America passed the pills and water to me, smirking.

I rolled my eyes as I swallowed the pills, drinking water, "Hey, let's not forget that I broke England's nose."

"Don't remind me! As badass as it was, Britain won't stop complaining about it! He keeps mumbling 'That girl is so rotten, I came to give her bloody food!'. What an old man, am I right?" America laughed.

"Oh my god! Seriously? Talk about obsessed!" I said, jokingly, in between giggles, until a surge of pain went to my head. I gripped my head and grunted.

"A-Are you okay?! I should get-" America tried to leave again.

"America, stop worrying so much! I'm alright!"

"Are you completely sure?"

"Yes, my god! But while you're up, would you grab a book for me?"

America's face contorted into a worried one once again, "But you can't read right now! Not in your condition, dudette!"

I smirked at the American, "That's exactly why you're gonna read to me, of course, that's only possible if you're capable-"

"OF COURSE I CAN READ! THAT KINDA HURT, DUDETTE!" America yelled, already at the bookshelf. "

"Oh don't be like that! It's just fun to tease you!" I laughed as he came back, with 'The Wizard of Oz' in hand.

"Ooooo, I actually like this book! Come, sit down here." I patted the spot next to me in the bed. America sat there, feet dangling on the edge of my bed.

"Wait a second! I need to get comfortable before you start!" I exclaimed before laying on my side, facing America, head resting on my arm. "You can start now."

And so, with his throat cleared and glasses adjusted, the American started to read to me. It was very enjoyable, to be completely honest. His voice can be surprisingly comforting when he's mellowed out. He made me laugh, making silly voices for the different characters. Before long, my headache was gone and I was getting very drowsy.

On the brink of slumber, I heard America's voice and felt his hand gently shake my shoulder, "Hey, Transylvania?"

"Hm?" I looked up to meet his eyes.

"I'm gonna go now, is that okay?"

"Mhm... G'night America." I said eyes closed, smiling.

America lightly laughed, as he ruffled my hair, and then tucked me in my blanket, "Goodnight to you too, Transylvania. Feel better, okay?"

Finally, I fell into a peaceful dreamless sleep.

their world: transylvania's story (a hetalia fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن