Chapter Ten | Metaphors

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"Before you say anything, I know... I know it's a lot to take in, and it's going to take some time to get... Used to this... New me, but you're my best friend, Viv. If I couldn't tell you, then... Who could I tell?" I said, sitting on the couch across from Viv, who looked in deep thought. I had just told her... Everything, from the first night at Lux up to the day Lucifer and I had just spent together. After a long moment of her staring at me in thought, she cracked up with a loud laugh.

"I get it! You like Lucifer, so you're coming up with all these metaphors and storyline plots in your head to keep yourself from going after him!" she cupped my cheek in a caring motion, but I couldn't help but feel my heart break at the fact that she didn't believe me, "Hon, you shouldn't try to keep yourself away. Just go for him, get a little bit of his sexy ass. You deserve it, trust me," I shook my head and swatted her hand away from my face as I stood from the couch.

"You don't get it, Viv," I sighed and looked down at my shirt, "You think I'm covering up details of my life with dumb metaphors," I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled the fabric up and over my head, throwing it to the ground, leaving myself in just my bra which she had seen many times before, "Well, I'm not. Even if-!" I stopped myself, turning to her, "Even if my liking Lucifer was the case, it wouldn't change what I am. I am Angel Grace, put on this Earth to serve one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to watch the Devil and make sure he returns to hell," with that, I looked down, focusing entirely on how I'd figured out to hide my wings, only this time trying to do the opposite. When I heard a soft flapping sound, I knew I'd succeeded. I looked up at Viv once more, just in time to feel my feet lift up and off the ground, "Now, do you believe me, or not?"

"Y-you're a-a-a-" Her mouth gaped and her eyes widened. I sighed and dropped to the ground as I re-hid my wings.

"This was a mistake," I turned for the door. I loved her, but she wouldn't understand. I had a job to do, a duty to fulfill. Maybe it was just because I hated working as a waitress, or maybe it was because now that I knew these things existed, I didn't want to be damned to hell for not listening to God's direct orders, or maybe... Maybe I just felt comfortable around Lucifer that I hadn't felt in a long time, but I wanted--I needed to be around him.

Though, I didn't get a solid three steps in before Viv grabbed my wrist, just around where my newly formed scabs were. I let out a hiss and pulled my arm out of her grip, rubbing my now small open wounds.

"Angel, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, but I mean-" she stopped her heartfelt speech as she noticed my arm, "What did you do this time, babes?" she asked with a frown.

"It's not super new. I did it before we went clubbing--before I even found out I was an angel," I said, and she now gently reached for my hand, lowering my bare arm so she could see the scabs.

"Angel..." I could hear the disappointment in her voice. She knew why I cut. I'd told her my entire life story, up until Jase... "I just don't understand why you feel the need to do this. I am always here for you. I'm never not going to be here for you. You know that don't you?" she asked. I nodded sheepishly.

"I just don't want to always be putting my problems on you, Viv. I mean, you always help me out, but when's the last time you've had a problem on your shoulders that's not been mine?" I replied. I was not expecting to have this conversation right now, but I had to have known it would happen eventually.

"Angel, I have problems. They just aren't major. I've never been disowned by my shitty family. I was born here, I didn't move away from the only home I've known. And whether you realize it or not, you help me with problems every day. Like when I hated college so you suggested I look into real estate. You help me with my issues, so let me be there for yours," she looked into my eyes. Vivian was truly beautiful, someone you'd expect to see in Los Vegas "City Of Angels". She was so above me and most people, and yet she still had such a beautiful heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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