Chapter Eight | Additions and Addictions

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I came to in an extremely comfy position. I was sunken into a bed and wrapped around something large and warm. I smiled sleepily, nuzzling into whatever I was cuddled up against. It was then that I realized there was a strange skin-like texture to the object. I knitted my brows together as I opened my eyes slowly to be met with a bare chest. My eyes quickly widened as I looked up to see a very familiar face with a very familiar cocky smile on it. I let out a squeak, scrambling away from him, only, when I went to reach for the edge of the bed, it wasn't there. I quickly lost my balance and went tumbling off the bed.

"Ow," I groaned, face planted firmly against the rug on his floor. I hoisted myself up and stood, brushing myself off while Lucifer stared at me intently.

"Good morning beautiful," He finally spoke. In response I shot a glare at him in which I squished my nose up and frowned, then looked away. I noticed the only light in the room was coming from lamps and that the big window/glass door on the opposite side of his room that led to a balcony showed the outside world as extremely dark.

"What time is it?" I asked, digging around in my pockets for my phone before realizing it was still at home in the bag of rice.

"Promptly around 3:46 am," Lucifer said and my eyes, once again, widened.

"What?" I asked, looking at him incredulously before laughing nervously to myself, "Shit," I muttered.

"What's wrong, love?" Lucifer finally sat up and stood from the bed to reveal he was wearing pants, thank God.

"Viv's going to murder me," I said, looking at him. He froze as I watched his eyes widen for a split second, looking above me instead of at me before returning to normal, "What?"

"What?" he repeated.

"What happened, why'd your eyes go," I made a hand gesture to suggest his eyes had widened while widening my own a tiny bit. As if to answer my question, a dark black feather fluttered in front of my face. I caught it before it got too low and inspected it. It was almost like a birds feather, only much larger. Wait a second-

No way. It couldn't be... Could it?

"Lucifer?" I questioned, not taking my eyes off the feather. He hummed in response, "Where's your bathroom?"

He pointed me in the direction of the nearest bathroom in his home/club and I rushed to it. When I got inside I didn't bother to close the door as all I was doing was looking at the large mirror over the sink. My eyes widened as I stared at myself in shock, suddenly understanding why he seemed shook.

Behind me fluttered two jet black wings twice the size of my body. I covered my mouth in shock, turning my head and craning my neck to be able to see them for myself. They were huge! They were beautiful, I had to admit, but I did not need, nor want, wings!

"What the fu-"

"Terrible things, aren't they?" I heard as Lucifer popped his head into the bathroom before moving so his whole body was staring at me.

"How are they going through my shirt? And how did I not feel them?" I asked, more to myself than Lucifer. This whole angel thing was going over the top--too freaking far. It was worse than the time Tina the Tattletale stomped on my fingers from the top of the monkey bars and I broke my arm and then re-broke it trying to ride a bike. Hell, it was getting worse than my mom's reaction when I moved to LA and was even close to my first week here bad at this point—well, maybe not that bad, but either way I was sick and tired of how "worse" this angel thing was getting.

"That is a predicament, isn't it?" Lucifer agreed, before shrugging, "I can call up my brother and he can explain to you the logistics of-"

"You know what, Luci?" I cut him off, stepping out of the bathroom as he looked over at me in confusion, "I think I'm just going to go home."

"Looking like that? I wouldn't. Someone might think you like to play dress up," Lucifer warned, to which I shrugged.

"Then I'll freaking fly. All I know is I'm tired of this angel crap for one night, and Viv is probably worried and I want to be alone and watch the Doctor Who episode where the Master kidnaps the Doctor and Martha's family and sings I can't decide by the Scissor Sisters and then kills off that cute guy that helps Martha to shelter and I want to eat ice cream and forget angels and demons and God exist for two hours. Is that too hard to ask?"

Yes. Yes it is.

By the time I'd got to my place, I'd figured out how to hide my wings so it was like they weren't even there. I snuck in through my bedroom window after poking a hole in the bottom of the screen to pop it out, then using a pocket knife I'm not allowed to carry around to turn the lock so I could get through. When I got in, I replaced the screen and shut and locked the window once again. I checked the time on my alarm clock and groaned. 5:37 am. I had work at 5-11pm the next day so maybe I'd just sleep in late.

I plopped down on my bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling. How could I keep this from Viv? She's my best friend, we told each other everything. I couldn't just not tell her, especially since this whole "being an angel" thing was becoming my entire life. But how do you just go up to your best friend and say "Hey, I'm a legitimate angel," and show her your angel wings without her not wanting to be your friend anymore? You can't, nobody in their right mind would stay friends with you after that. I mean, maybe I'm just pessimistic, but that's the way I saw it. I sighed and stood up, knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. I made my way to the kitchen and to the cabinet I knew Viv kept all the alcohol. I didn't drink, simply because my step dad had been an alcoholic and I never wanted to end up like him, but I felt like this was a drink I deserved after everything I'd been through.

I grabbed one of the biggest bottles out of the cabinet which happened to be clear "Smirnoff Vodka". Great. I'd never had alcohol, and I didn't care to learn about it, so I had no idea how strong this stuff was. As long as it could get my mind off the wings that plopped out of my back earlier, I didn't care. The lid was a twist off, thankfully not a cork like I'd seen on TVs and whatnot, so I twisted it off, grabbed a glass, and poured a drink. I shot the liquid down my throat like medicine, cringing and coughing at the vile taste of it. People drink this stuff for fun? I couldn't help it though, something about the tingle it made me feel made it addicting. By the end of my glass, everything around me seemed a little fuzzy and it was hard not to stumble. I guess I really was a lightweight. I tipped the Vodka bottle to pour some more, but ended up spilling some on the counter and in my hasty attempt to clean it up, knocked the glass off the counter. It shattered with a loud crash, and not too late after, my best friends door opened.

"Angel, what the hell?" Viv screeched as she took in the scene before her, "I thought someone broke in or some crap," finally, she eyed me, "Are you drunk?"

"No, I'm an angel," I said, swaying a little before everything went black.

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