Chapter Seven | Kidnapped

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The entire ride to LUX I tried questioning Lucifer on what he could possibly be having trouble about. He caught me up on the fact that someone stole his identity and I tried figuring out how we were supposed to fix this. He let me know that we weren't, but he was, and when I asked him why I had to be there, he responded with "because you're supposed to be my guardian angel. Remember? Keep me out of trouble and whatnot," which only heightened my "Oh no" spider senses.

Finally, when we got to LUX, what I saw was not what I expected at all. As soon as we walked in, it already felt different with there being absolutely no people there, and then I saw why nobody was there. There was a man, hands tied behind his back and his face covered by a bag or pillow case, something along those lines. My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed Lucifer's arm, pulling him back to me.

"Lucifer, what the Hell!" I whisper-yelled at him, not wanting his hostage to hear my voice and report it to the police later. I'd been almost arrested once and that was already one too many times for me.

"What? It's the man who stole my identity, love," Lucifer said as if it 1. should have been obvious and 2. should have made the situation any better. I felt something run across my back and jumped forward, crashing into Lucifer as I turned to see the very beautiful yet scary bartender from the other night. She cocked her head slightly at me before looking up at Lucifer.

"She's jumpy. Are we torturing her too?" the woman asked. Even her voice was pretty, but I couldn't dwell on that and instead focused on her question.

"Torture?" I asked, backing away from both of them. I figured--I hoped that Lucifer wouldn't hurt me, but he wanted to torture this man just for stealing his identity? I understood it was an annoying thing to have your identity stolen, but that didn't mean he needed to be tortured! Maybe Lucifer wasn't as nice as I thought, I mean, he was the devil. I'm not really sure what I had been expecting.

"Torture her? Oh, heavens no. Mazikeen, this is Angel, ironically, she's my guardian angel. Angel, this is Maze," Lucifer introduced us and I let out a soft sigh at my own expense when he said no, before waving at Maze just like I had the other night. She glared at me a bit, looking me over before back to Lucifer.

"So, are we getting this show on the road?" She asked, holding up a weird curved knife/dagger thing. My eyes widened, but I didn't have much panic time before Lucifer responded, placing his hand over the dull part of the dagger and lowering it a bit.

"We are only scaring him. I know scum like him. He'll crack the first sight of a blade he sees," Lucifer said, and Maze groaned, but went along with it. Lucifer then turned and continued down the stairs, talking to the poor man tied up, "Finally! The would-be Prince of Darkness," as he walked down, I finally noticed a woman standing at the bottom of the stairs with her hands on her hips. She was staring at the man.

I followed closely behind Lucifer, not really wanting to be here, but he was right. I had to watch him and make sure he didn't go too far. I didn't realize I hadn't been listening until I tuned back in as Lucifer was circling the man he had kidnapped, staring at the guy in amusement. The man was a bit jumpy.

"Right," Lucifer began, "Let's see the face of my imposter," now I backed up towards the staircase, frowning. I hated every second of this and wanted more than anything to tell him to stop and call the police instead. Maze pulled off the pillowcase/bag from the guy's face and chuckled darkly. The man was much shorter than Lucifer, and his hair was a lighter brown than Lucifer's almost black hair.

"The resemblance is uncanny," Maze said, and I furrowed my eyebrows. Even from over here, I couldn't see a resemblance between the two, from the back of their heads. Maybe their faces were exactly the same? I slowly crept more to the front of the man, stopping as soon as I could see his face which was just to the right/my left of the couches, just as Lucifer looked at the guy's face. It definitely didn't look like Lucifer whatsoever.

"It most certainly is not," Lucifer said, which I definitely agreed with. Maze was just giggling behind him, obviously amused by all of this, "How could anyone think that you were me?"

"You know who you're messing with?" Fake Lucifer asked in an obviously fake British accent, making me snort a laugh as I quickly covered my mouth so no one could hear, "I'm Lucifer freaking Morningstar!"

"Oh!" Lucifer gasped, "Are you now? Well... You've certainly been a busy bee, haven't you, Lucifer? Eh?" Lucifer asked, walking to the bar to pour himself a drink as Maze watched the imposter, "Apparently, you've started a modeling agency, pitched a Web series," Lucifer walked back to the group with a drink in his hand, "And I hear you've also been very active with women."

"Ladies love me. What can I say?" fake Lucifer said, shaking slightly.

"It's what they've been saying that's the trouble. It seems you're a bit of a two-pump chump," Lucifer said, popping the "P" on "chump" before taking a breath, "Also, a crier afterward."

"That happened one time," fake Lucifer said and I rolled my eyes. He was only digging himself deeper into this hole.

"Right. Well, we can't have you running around cheapening the Lucifer brand, now, can we? What do you say, Maze? Impalement?" Lucifer cocked his head a bit. I bit my lip, looking between the four other people in the room. Fake Lucifer was terrified, Maze looked too intrigued, and Lucifer looked plain evil. I wanted to trust that he'd stick to his word, but how could I be so sure? Maze hummed before responding.

"Why rush?" she asked as she walked up beside the faker, "I say the rack."

"Oh," Lucifer said as she smacked a towel at Fakey.

"Lucifer," I finally decided to voice my worries and he gave me a glance as if to tell me to stay out of the conversation. Why would he bring me here if it wasn't to stop him from making some stupid decision? Maze also sent a glare my way that could kill before leaning closer to the imposter.

"That way, we can really enjoy it."

"Better. Yes, much better. Every joint of every limb dislocated before it's torn off," Lucifer said darkly and I took a step forward as Maze stepped in front of me.

"Lucifer, stop it!" I exclaimed, wanting him to calm down. He sent me another glare, this time, his eyes pure red.

"No, no, no, no, no-Look, look, look, I just... I just... I just wanted to get chicks and-and free drinks. Um, really," he said before finally dropping the accent, "My name is Justin. I'm from Sherman Oaks," Maze and Lucifer both laughed. Okay, so they got what they want. They would drop it now, right?

"Oh, Justin. The things I'm going to do to you!" Lucifer began and I took another two steps forward.

"Lucifer, just drop it! You've done enough!" I growled, which Maze returned, turning to me and grabbing me by my upper arms. I didn't even have time to look down or struggle before she threw me across the room. I felt my back hit the wall as pain rippled through my entire body and I slapped down onto the floor. I heard Lucifer yelling as my ears began ringing and the world seemed like it was spinning, "I'm gonna take a nap," I muttered before everything went black.


Everything faded into white as I looked around a familiar place. The feeling under my feet was soft like fluffy pillows. I looked around to be met with Raguel.

"Oh, hey. Funny seeing you here," I said with a small grin. He rolled his eyes.

"Can you stay conscious for more than five minutes?" he asked. I tapped my chin and pretended to be in thought as I let out a hum.

"Nope. 'Fraid not," I grinned. He sighed.

"I'm not sure why you're here. You have many more important things to do down there. Watching the devil, learning your powers, growing some feathers," he said. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Feathers?" I questioned as he checked his wrist as if he had a watch on it (which he didn't) before looking up at me again.

"Oh, look at that! Time to go!" before I could say anything else, he snapped his fingers and everything went black... Again.

The Devil's Guardian Angel [Lucifer] (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now