niki_allen0119's Performance

175 19 13

@niki_allen0119 aka Niki Allen

Song name: Across the Vast Eternal Sky
Category: Song Cover


Interview Questions

🎶 Brief bio:
I am a classically trained musician, on the path to become a music teacher for special needs children, and I have been studying the art for almost 8 years. My primary focus is voice, but I also play violin and piano.

🎶 What does Music mean to you?
Music is the universal language that connects us all. When we hear music, we know what it is. We know if it is happy or sad, we can learn from it, and we can heal from it. My mother suffered from a disease when I was a child and nearly died, and when I began my music studies, I was able to find a safe haven and a place of peace.

🎶 What do you love about performing?
Being able to bless the audience. The true reward is gifting someone with a piece of your art that they may carry with them through the hard times.

🎶 What inspires you when it comes to music?
When I see the eyes of my listeners light up, I am inspired to create more music, to never stop. There is always something new to give to eager ears, and music never fails to disappoint.

🎶 Who/What are your major artistic influences?
Countless artists have influenced me, but choral composer Ola Gjeilo has reached me through his music time and time again.


A big round of applause for @niki_allen0119!
We wish you the best, Niki Allen! ♥️

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