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I woke up with my head pounding. I groaned and sat up

I looked around me. Where the fuck am I? I looked next to me and saw Jaden on a bed next to me.

I looked around me and realized that I was in a hospital room. Then all the memories of the party came flooding in.

I can't believe that he hurt me like that.

I hate him. I hate him so much.

A few minutes later, I heard someone and turned to see Jaden waking up. Shit. I don't ever want to talk to him again.

"Elle?" He said in that raspy voice of his
I didn't answer
I looked at him and gave him a really bitchy face. I didn't care.
"What the-" and then he remembered everything

I lay back down. I minute later a doctor came in.

"Hi! My name is dr. Johnson and I'm both of your doctors. How are we feeling?" She asked us
Jaden looked over at me but I didn't look back.
"I have a headache" I said
"Me too" Jaden added
"Ya that makes sense. Elle, you have a major concussion and Jaden, you have a minor one" the doctor told us
"Do you guys remember how you got them?" She asked us
Jaden looked at me again
"Ya." I said "he hurt me"
"Jaden?" The doctor asked
"Ya. Jaden. He kept hitting my head against a wall multiple times" I hissed
"O-oh. Jaden how did you get injured?"
"Her boyfriend knocked me out" he said
"After you almost killed him and me" I added
"Ok. I see there is a lot of tension here. Jaden we'll move you to another room" the doctor said
"No" he said and I groaned
"Do you know where my boyfriend is?" I asked the doctor
"His name?"
"Abusive fuckboy" Jaden said
"His name is chase Hudson" I said and glared at Jaden
"Yep he's in the room next door."
"Is he ok?" I asked, worried
"We don't know. His nose is broken and he has a black eye and a major concussion"
I let out of shaky exhale
"Can I see him?" I asked
"Not yet"
"See that's what you did to him" I hissed at Jaden
"I'm sorry" he whispered

The doctor left after checking our bruises and cuts. It turns out that I need stitches in the back of my head and that their gonna take me in the next hour

"I know your scared of needles Elle. Do you want me to go with you?" Jaden asked me
"Youv fine enough. Don't ever talk to me or chase again" I hissed at him

He didn't say anything to me

Around an hour later, 2 doctors came in.
"Ok...Elle hall?"
"Ya" I asnwered
"We need a parent or guardian to fill something out quickly"
"I don't know where my guardian is" I said quietly
"Why don't you give him a call" the doctor said to me
I nodded. I didn't know where my phone was. Jaden was on his phone though
I sighed
"Jaden give me your phone I need to call Bryce" he nodded and tossed it to me

I called him
"Hello?" I said, my voice shaking
"Holy shit. Oh my god are you ok"
"Not really. I'm in the hospital"
"Ya I know. I went to the hype house to get some clothes for you I'm on my way back but I'm stuck in traffic"
"Ok they need you to fill out forms so I can get my stitches"

I turned to the doctors.
"He's stuck in traffic" I told them
"Ok he can fill them out when he gets here" he told me

"Ok Bryce?" I said back into the phone
"You can fill them out when you get here"
"Ok great. Good luck. I love you"
" love you too"
I hung up and tossed Jaden back his phone

"Ok elle I'm gonna have you sit up" the doctor said as he helped me sit up
I clenched my head, it was pounding
"Ow" I said
Jaden was watching me,  he looked really said
"Ok so what we're gonna do is give you a needle into the back of your head, then we're gonna wait 5 minutes. Then we're gonna do the stitches. Sound good?"

I didn't answer. I was so scared. I have a HUGE fear of needles

"Elle?" The doctor said again
"She's scared of needles" Jaden said
"Ok...how do you know her?" The doctor asked Jaden
"Um I met her through her brother"
"What's your relationship with her now"
"Best friend"
"No we aren't" I said "we aren't friends"
"Ok.." the doctor said "Jaden can I have you come here and just hold her hand please?" The doctor asked
"Of course" Jaden answered
I shook my head no but he shook his head yes.
One of the doctors helped him walk over to me and he grabbed both of my hands

I shivered when he touched me. I hate this. But I miss it at the same time.

"Ok elle. You ready?" The doctor asked me
"No no no" I said and a tear rolled down my cheek

Jaden leaned over and hugged me
"You'll be fine. Your strong" he whispered in my ear
He pulled away
"Ok elle" the doctor said and I squeezed Jadens hands and closed my eyes.

Then I felt the needle go into the back of my head

I groaned in pain. Holy shit it hurt so bad. Once it was over I opened my eyes. I quickly let go of jadens hands
"Ok now go" I said to him
He sighed and walked back to his bed

5 minutes later they did the stitches

Around 10 minutes after, dr. Johnson came in
"Ok elle you can see chase hudson now"
I smiled

Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now