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Jaden called from his room across the hall
"What??" I yelled back
Jaden does this all the time and it really bugs me and everyone else in the house
"Your phone is in my room and it's ringing!!!!!!"
"Answer it I'm coming!!!!" I yelled as I jumped up from my bed and set my Mac down on my dresser. I always forget my phone. I opened my door and opened Jaden's as I heard him answer my phone
"Hello?" He said into the line
"It's Jaden"
"Ya I have permission dumbass"
"Fucking bitch"
He hung up
"Jaden!!" I half yelled
"Chill out elle" he laughed and threw me my phone
"Who was it" I asked
"Your boyfriend" he said as he looked back at his phone
I sat on the other side of his bed and texted chase

                          Hey sorry about Jaden I asked him to answer my phone

Ya I hate him

Don't. Please. I hate that you  hate each other

Ya whatever
Anyways I just called to let you know that we are having a party tonight so I'll see you soon

Love you ❤️

Love you more 💜

I put down my phone and turned to Jaden
"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" I asked
Jaden put down his phone and looked at me
"Me too"
"Be careful tho...there's gonna be a lot of drunk guys"
"I have chase to protect me"
Jaden rolled his eyes
"Oh. Right."
"I don't understand why you hate him"
Jaden roller his eyes again
"He doesn't treat you well"
I said walking out.
I was really mad because he always did this and it bothered me. He's supposed to be supportive of me. I sat on my bed until I remembered that I forgot my phone in Jaden's room again. Great. I creeped to his room and knocked on the open door
"I forgot my phone"
Jaden pointed to it without looking up. I went to his bed and grabbed it. I turned around to walk out but Jaden grabbed my arm
"You know I love you" he said looking right into my eyes
"I love you too Jae " I answered
He pulled my to him so I was sitting on his lap facing him
He hugged me really tight and I hugged him back
"I just want you to be happy" he said into my ear
"I am happy, with chase"
Jaden sighed
"Then I'm happy" he said as he kissed the top of my head
"I gotta get ready" I told him
I hopped of him and closed his door behind me.

I went to my closet and picked out an outfit to wear. I did my hair and makeup. I was ready really early so I went to joshes room to see if he was ready yet

"Josh?" I called into his open door room
"In here" he answered from the bathroom
I walked through his room into his bathroom and saw him in a hoodie and jeans. He had messy hair and product on his hands
I walked in and sat on the high stool he had in his bathroom
He ran his hands through his hair
"Jeez i hate my hair" he said angrily
I laughed
Josh looked at me and threw me his phone
"Here play music"
I unlocked his phone and saw an open convo between him and chase


What have you guys been telling Elle

What tf are you talking about

You guys have been obviously telling her stuff about me to try and get her to hate me. And let me tell you - not gonna work. She wants to be with me so stop trying to get in her pants by trying to get her to stop dating me

Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now