"Where is she?" I repeat, trying keep the shakiness out of my voice. I need to know that she's safe, that she hasn't been hurt in any way. I don't seem to remember that I'm standing in a very short nightie in front of the guy that kidnapped me. Not one of the wisest choices I've ever made...

"She's in good hands, don't worry." He says casually, ignoring the way that my body suddenly begins to tremble with anger. In fact, he looks amused. Amused!

"Don't worry!? Are you freaking serious? I saw her when you took me away! She was lying in her own pool of blood!" I yell again, this time much louder than before. At the mention of blood, Chase's eyes turn a blazing red, and he suddenly looks so much more intimidating. Where have I seen those eyes before? I try to reach into my mind again to find something that resembles him in any way, but it comes out blank again. But his red eyes aren't just gleaming, they're also dancing with anger like flames on a candle that can't be blown out.

"Chase," I begin in a shaky voice, taking a step back and ripping my hands from his hold, "wh-"

-You just don't understand do you?" He cuts me off, his voice dropping to a lower level. He forces my chin up with a strong finger, and stares at me with cold eyes. There's a tinge of sadness behind those eyes and all of that anger though, an emotion I hadn't seen before but is now clearer than ever. "I would never hurt her. I love her Emma..." 

My heart stops. Excuse me wut?

"Huh?" I breathe out, completely dumbfounded. He sighs and shuffles his hand through his dark brown hair. 

"You're probably thinking that our kind could never be capable of love, and honestly I thought so too." Okay, my brain is this close to breaking down. "I did not throw her to the ground, and I had a few words with the guy after that but just trust me on this one, I had no intention in having feelings for her when I was assigned the job to stay close to her, but I ended up having them nonetheless. And we can't just back out of an assignment. Unless of course we want to end up without a head on our shoulders..." 

He's out of breath, as if his speech has taken more effort than he's usually accustomed to. He's just confessed his love for my sister, but to the wrong person. I suddenly feel a pang of sympathy for him, and I have no idea why I should feel sympathetic for my kidnapper, but I do. And who the hell in their right mind would be okay with a guy like him dating their sister? But as I've mentioned before, people wouldn't exactly categorise me as normal.

"Listen Chase," I let out calmly. He seems surprised by the softness of my voice, coated with pity. "your speech was beautiful and all, but why don't you tell her instead?"  

I honestly have no idea why I'm not screaming my head off or torturing him with needles - creative, I know - but the idea of my sister having someone there for her, who loves her, someone other than me, well... it reassures me. 

Of course he could be a really good liar, but when he talked about her, his eyes twinkled with something very close to love, and you certainly can't put that up if you were lying. So I believe him. Like the innocent little girl I am I believe the man who says not to have knocked Alice out, but kidnapped me as well. Crazy, I know. But it kind of comes with the mind reading and all that stuff. 

Mind reading! Why haven't I thought of that before?

I want to slap myself silly that I haven't thought of it before. Maybe it'll work with him, maybe it's just with Jay that it doesnt work, and maybe I can actually get some information out of him without using physical strength. Not that I would stand a chance against Chase if it came to a physical battle...

I place my hands on both sides of his forehead, gaining a sceptical look from him. 

"I will but - Emma?" Chase inquires curiously, slightly scared at what I'm doing. He obviously wasn't expecting this. To be fair, I wasn't either. Suddenly, as I take in a deep breath of concentration, piercing black eyes pop into my mind. 

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