Another shewolf

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The bell for school over finally rang after what felt like ages,I forgot to ask her for her name and number but I think I am going to track her down through her scent,I don't know whether we are mates yet well she does smell nice but I am not quite sure but one thing I do know is that I am gonna make her suffer,"Hey " someone at my back and I knew it was her because of her smell nice timing "oh hey umm I didn't get your name last time" I said "Jennifer,listen I have one hour to get back home before my parents come looking for me so let's make this quick" she said in a hurry "Sure follow me and don't get caught or followed or we are both in trouble "
Okay just go behind the tree and you can shift over there while I take the back I said"Sure and don't look" she said back "I won't promise " I assured her,I quickly made my way to the back of the tree and started undressing,okay this a little hard you know what just one tiny little look she won't find out I said to myself as I tilted my head only to find out she is done shifting and is waiting for me,I quickly shifted and took my true form,shifting is one of the best felling you can ever have even though it is quite painful but the felling when you are done is worth it,I made my way towards her brownish wolf and hit to tell her to run
After like an hour we were finally done with the run which she beat  me at I was finally heading home,"Hey honey you are home late" my mom said as I entered the house"I am sorry mom"I told her as I walked upstairs to go do my homework,Today was one of the best days of my life maybe I shouldn't make her suffer I just hope she fells the same you know what I am gonna make her suffer,I said to myself as I brought out my home works and started doing them

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