1st day at school

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I quickly headed to the bus stop where I got into a bus,I immediately sensed so many eyes on me and I knew they were vampires"I will just ignore it like I always do" I said to myself,Ten minutes later we arrived at school compound I immediately headed to school gates to avoid the eyes that were on me as I entered the school I was immediately shoved to a locker "Hey freak "Isaac said " I told u to never come back "he said with a clenched teeth " I am sorry but I had no choice it was all my moms idea" I said shivering ,before he was about to say another word the bell for class rang "See you later freak" he said to me before walking out,I quickly recovered and ran to my first class which was history,I quickly headed to Mr Sylvester class when I reached the door I took a deep breath and said to myself that's it is gonna be ok,I quickly opened the door and saw Mr Sylvester looking at me with a puzzled face "Your late" he said"I am sorry it won't happen again "I replied " Well take a seat",I quickly made my way to the back of the class and brought out my books and started taking notes,At least I didn't have this class with Issac,I said to myself.
Thirty minutes later history class was done and I headed to my next class English,I love English so much that not even Issac can destroy my attention when I am in English class with all his bullying, I opened the door only to be greeted by Mrs veronica "What the hell" I said to myself quietly ,I made my way to the back of the class and brought out my books "Hello class I am Veronica please call me Mrs veronica I will be your teacher for time being until Mrs Powers returns its that understood" Mrs veronica said"Yes ma" the whole class chorused while I was still confused Mrs veronica was a vampire which means she was going to make my life a living hell.
English class passed like a blur and so about the rest of my classes and the next thing you know it I was on my way home with Issac and his group following me,I stopped moving when I reached the bus stop, I quickly entered the bus when I saw the first bus stopped and headed home with Isaac and his gang at my back)
Oh yes don't forget to vote P.

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