School life

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Ding,dong,ding,dong.What's that sound I groaned as I covered my ear with my Pillows and why won't it stop I said to myself,I traced my hand to the annoying sound and hit it off and opened my eyes" Great another alarm this week I broke "I said to myself ,I really should stop setting alarms if I know I am just going to end up breaking the alarm." Honey breakfast is ready OK",I will be there in ten I yelled back,I  immediately got up and went straight into the bathroom I  could already feel its gonna be a bad first day.I was already done bathing in five mins and I hurried to my wardrobe and got my school attire out and wore it and rushed downstairs" You are gonna be late for your first day in school,sit down,You see you need to make a good first expression and you won't do that by coming late now eat up"she said as she dropped a bowl of cereal in front of me,It felt like it was just yesterday the holiday started and now its over men I hate life but In a way I am glad because in here vampires can bully me openly because everyone here is a vampire something's they even use theirs powers on me but in school they can't because we have to keep our secret safe,I said to myself. " I know mom" I replied ," You know you have a lot secrets ",I don't mom,I replied" then why don't you tell me why you space out a lot why don't u tell me why you are always thinking"  I am sorry mom but I have to go I am gonna be late remember first impression matters right so I have to go bye mom so when I will see u when I get  back mom,I replied quickly heading out the door.)
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