Am I Falling In Love With Jeff? - chapter 3

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Sunlight flooded through Jessica's window and she slowly stirred awake. She rubbed her eyes and stretched smiling. I miss Jeff she thought and she got out of bed changing into a black T-shirt, black leggings, and leather biker boots. Jessica walked over to her door and slowly opened it walking out of her room heading for the stairs. Then she suddenly felt someone cover her eyes and she smiled knowing it was Jeff. "I'm back", Jeff said and he spun her around admiring her outfit that she was wearing. Jessica hugged him and he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. "I missed you", she said and Jeff replied, "I missed you more", then he suddenly kissed her cheek. His warm lips made her shiver and she blushed. "J-jeff....", she said nervously. Jeff used his index finger and thumb to lift up her chin as he stared into her eyes, "what is it, Jess?", he asked calmly. Jessica couldn't say anything as she stared at him blushing even more and said, "w-w-w-what are y-you doing?", she asked nervously. Suddenly Jeff kissed her softly and Jessica closed her eyes as she slowly kissed back. This brought shivers down her spine knowing that he was a killer and she always thought that killers couldn't love..... could they? "Do you love me?", Jeff asked her calmly. She froze up and she didn't know what to say as she thought about it. Do I love him? she thought. "Yes", Jess said. Jeff hugged her tightly saying that he loved her too and she smiled happily knowing that maybe killers could still love even though they have a bad side to them. He pulled away saying that he had to go and she waved goodbye as she went down the stairs. As she made her way to the kitchen she felt some weird feeling inside of her and she felt dizzy using the counter helping her not to fall. Jeff suddenly appeared by her side looking worried as he said, "a-are you ok?!". Jessica suddenly collapsed and he caught her in his arms as he felt tears in his eyes. He didn't know what to do but he carried her in his arms bridle style bringing her upstairs to her room lying her down in bed. He sat beside her waiting for her to wake up. Jeff thought about what had happened so far in his relationship with her and he was extremely worried about losing her. He decided to lay down beside her embracing her and he layed her head on his chest. As he waited he kept getting more and more worried about her. What happened to her? he suddenly thought. Jeff stayed there beside Jessica for the rest of the night waiting and waiting for her to finally wake up.

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