The Plan - chapter 10

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Jessica's POV:

I was in my room thinking about what Ben had said to me. Was he trying to get me angry? I mean I only just came here and he's just being mean to me by saying that he killed my parents. If Ben really did kill my parents..... then i'll be extremely upset with him. I slowly walked to the door and opned it. Jeff was in his room talking to Ben.... that will save me some time to leave this place for a little while. So after a minute or two.... I sprinted down the stairs and ran out the door. It was nice to be outside again.... to smell the fresh air and to feel the cool breeze against my skin. I scanned the area and I made sure no one was following me.... or at least close to where I was. The forest became dead silent once more.... I started feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.... I swear I could sense someone behind me, so I ran as fast as I could to the nearest lake. As soon as I made it to the lake, I layed down on the ground and stared up at the sky relaxing a bit as I tried to clear my mind.

Jeff's POV:

"WHY DID YOU MAKE JESSICA UPSET?!!!! YOU ONLY JUST MET HER!!!!!!", I yelled at Ben furiously. Ben stood there with his head down feeling ashamed of himself. "Listen Jeff, i'm sorry for saying something like that to her..... but i'm not the one who killed her parents.... it was Zalgo", Ben stuttered a bit.... feeling a little bit scared of Jeff since he was extremely upset. I sighed and calmed down a bit, "alright, so that's why I have to kill Zalgo.... so that he doesn't kill Jessica.... I already know that he's going to go after her.... after all he did kill her parents". Ben suddenly hugged me...... I noticed he was crying.... and I hugged him back. "Don't worry Ben, i'm not mad at you no more, i'm pretty sure that she will forgive you after awhile", I said calmly. Me and Ben stayed in a hugging position for a while. I care about Ben so much..... but I didn't mean to yell at him, but you know I can't control my anger.

 Clockwork's POV:

"Ugh! where is he?!", I said quietly to myself. I was waiting for my boyfriend, Ben, for awhile now. He's probably talking to Jeff or Slendy. But it has been over an hour now. An hour ago I heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs and hear the front door slam open. I didn't bother going to see who it was.... so I stayed where I was put, I was sitting on my bed. All this time I was reading my favorite book, it's about demons and angels fighting in a huge battle. I usually read when i'm bored or something. I'm not really all that active at all, today I was supposed to go out on a date with Ben, but he cancelled it for some reason. Ever since that girl came to live with us, he's been acting a bit strange around me. He better not be thinking about cheating on me with her! I sighed and I closed the book. I just hope that Ben is doing ok, and I hope he doesn't cheat on me. 

Jessica's POV:

It's so quiet out in the forest. It kinda scares me since i'm all alone, something or someone could find me at any time. I've been thinking about the wedding, I wonder when it's going to be. So we have people to attend the wedding..... but what's missing? Oh that's right! My parents should come. I haven't seen them in years. Ben said that he killed them though, I hope what he said wasn't true. I really miss my parents and my brother. But..... me and my brother stopped talking..... all because of that incident. So I was at school.... and this girl would always annoy me. She was really nice but.... I really hated her for some reason. One day I brought her out to the playground that was hidden in the forest. I carried a knife with me, my brother was following me but I didn't know at the time. The girl didn't know what I was doing..... she was actually scared. I told her to shut up then I stabbed her 10 times in the chest without stopping. My brother told me to stop.... but I didn't. I enjoyed the feeling so much.... killing felt amazing. But when my brother tried to pull me away.... I accidentally stabbed him in his leg. I dropped the knife and ran away crying as hard as I could. I will never forget that day. My brother probably doesn't even want to see me.... because of what I did. I plan on telling Jeff that I killed before.... oh by the way.... I was only in 5th grade when I first killed someone. Crazy right? I have gone insane and I still am. I'm pretty sure Jeff would be happy about that. But I don't know how to tell him. I should probably tell him when we go to bed. One day.... I will go find my brother and apologize many times until he forgives me. But i'm pretty sure that day will never come. My brother is probably thinking that I should be the one dead and not that girl. The girl was only 8 years old and I ended her life..... I wish I never did that. That girl..... she had a family.... a life.... but I destroyed all of it. I just wish I was dead, but if Jeff knew that I wanted to be dead.... he would be very upset. Tears rolled down my cheek..... thinking about all of this is just making me cry. Before I knew it, I fell asleep as tears rolled down my face. 

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