how do you date?

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As I enter the dungeon I can smell burnt hair and blood. Scion has been busy. My wolf and I both knew he had accepted our mate as the Luna and he was pissed. The whole pack has been awaiting the day we found them a proper Luna. One that could either calm my temper or hold Gabriel's attention, they would have accepted two but this is much simpler.

I had never wanted to fight my brother for power but always believed that had we had different mates we would eventually clash. With our perfect little mate we will be able to avoid all of it. One woman means no fighting over things between our mates.

I can hear whimpering as I enter the cell. The girl is no longer in the chair, instead chained up. The scent of burning flesh is a dead give away that both the cuffs and chains are pure silver. The tray near the door has an empty vial of a chemical I know well, a cocktail of vitamins and proteins that basically work as an relaxant, but on both mind and body. Pain still hurt but muscles were slow to respond, information spilled out without thought.

The chemical had been a gift from a friend who works for the Council and was not supposed to exist. The fact that Scion had used such a scarce resource again proves how upset he was by the threat. Pride beams in me for a moment, he was a good choice as beta.

Scion enters from the other side of the cell, looking up at me respectfully. "Alpha, I know where they intend to strike next. We just need to set the date."

Blinking at his answer for a moment, I wait for him to offer an explanation. When he doesn't I instead look back at the girl who hurt my mate. "So she isn't needed any longer?"

"No Alpha." Scion sneers, a flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Good." I growl out as I approach the female, my eyes changing from red to black. This girl was not leaving this place after hurting our mate.

Her eyes flicker to mine definently. "Monster! Demon! Murderer! Unlovable beast! Kill yourself! Before you corrupt us all!"

Her words just anger me further and before I can rein him in my wolf has leapt to the surface and my claws are around her neck. The slow cracking sound mixed with her desperate gasps just make it harder to stop myself. A wet gurgling sound, a choking hack, and then the squelch of flesh and bone giving way. Ichor splatters over me and I can feel satisfaction from my wolf.

After a moment I toss the now limp body away wishing I could inflict more damage but knowing I couldn't face my mate after. I need to keep my cool for now, be level headed. My wolf is still angry but all I want is to go find our mate. *We have a date we must now shower for.*

I look to Scion who just nods before starting to clean up. Our beta is to often cleaning up my messes but hasn't once complained. Sighing I head back up to shower.

-- -- --

When I had come upstairs, I found Gabriel pacing the kitchenette and our mate locked in his now empty room. Apparently she demanded to get ready by herself after Gabriel couldn't contact me. It wasn't what I had expected but instead just pulled my brother to the closet with me.

Feeling foolish as I ask, "Can you pick something appropriate?"

Gabriel laughs before disappearing inside, calling out for me to go shower. When I don't move he pokes his head out with a frown. "You are covered in nutjob, go shower. I will set clothes on the counter."

Walking into the ensuite I catch a glimpse of my morbid look. Blood was caked and drying on my face, my hair was sticky with it. It had never bothered me in the past but tonight I had a mate to woo.

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