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What have I done? I can taste blood in my mouth and as my rage begins to melt away my mates scent fills my nose. Lowering my head I find exactly what pulled me from my murderous spree. I let out a whimper as it registers that my little mate had stopped my attack, she had blocked me with her own body.

“Ouch..” she laughs softly but soon hisses in pain. I can feel warm blood dripping into my fur and watch as she tries to swallow back her whimper but I can still see it in her eyes. I hurt her.

Gabriel snakes his arm around her waist as she is unable to support her own weight for a second. I feel her hands tighten in my fur as she refuses to allow my brother to pull her away even as she buries her face in my neck with a cry of pain. I feel myself shift as she tugs me closer to her, Gabriel remains supporting her while Rebekah and Carl try to calm the crowd down.

My wolf roars in my head causing me to wince. How could we hurt our mate? I cant remember.

Who were we after? Why did she stop us?

I don’t know. We lost control. My wolf replies in a worried voice.

“Christian…. You didn’t hurt me…just knocked the wind out of me..” she breathes out against my neck in a quiet voice. “You didn’t hurt me..”

“Why did you get in my way? What happened?” I mumble out.

“You lunged at me..” Gabriel whispers.  “She saved me…”

“I…can’t lose either of you….” She laughs before kissing my temple and turning to Gabriel. “understand?”

Gabriel nods and begins checking her over for wounds. He glances at me every few seconds as it sinks in that I had tried to attack him. I was going to kill him and my tiny mate managed to stop me mid killing spree. She had halted my rage, soothed the blood lust completely.

“Christian…” she says softly. “I need you here with me. I am okay but I need you to take me away from this place. I am fairly certain dinner is over…”

I nod moving my hands to her side, pulling back as I feel warm blood trickle down. I shoot a look of concern over to her and she just smiles, shaking her head. She is bleeding.

BLEEDING?!? Why is our mate bleeding if we didn’t hurt her?

“It’s superficial. There is no permanent damage… I misjudged my lunge for that supposed Luna and she caught me with her fancy ass nails…you didn’t do this.” She strokes my cheek in an attempt to calm me. “As long as you are both here I am okay…”

Her gray eyes show her exhaustion for a moment but I know what I had promised. Dinner was over, even though no one ate, it was time to take her away from this place and these people. It was time for us to return to our pack, the Shadow Hunters finally had a Luna.

I glance down to my brothers arm that lay protectively around her bare hips blocking certain things from the view of others and I cant help but frown, not once had I thought to shield her from the prying eyes of the other males present. My eyes flick over her exposed skin and I suppress a growl.

Rage flashes through me as I see the eyes of others on her. Eyes filled with excitement, longing, lust. Eyes my wolf wanted to pluck from their heads so they could never ogle her again. I feel my muscles tense in anticipation.

I can feel myself shaking, I was pent up. I needed to let my anger run its course but now that it is gone I don’t know what to do with the energy. My entire body twitches as I try in vain to relax.

“Christian…look at me.” She coaxes and I follow her instructions. She studies my face for a moment. “Your wolf isnt satisfied by just one death is he?”

“He is not. We both lost control though…” my eyes drift away from hers as guilt washes over me. “I should never loose control… I just kill and kill… but I was so angry with everything that Alpha did to you, everything this pack put you through…. I cant just let it slide…”

“Thank you…” she whispers and I shoot her a confused look. “You got mad for me.”

Gabriel lets out a sigh. “Silly girl, of course he did…the moment you entered our lives you became our entire world… just help him already..”

Serenity’s eyes go wide for a second before her cheeks flush. “Okay..”

I glance back and forth between the two only to suddenly freeze as I feel her lips on mine. I follow her lead as her soft lips move against mine, her fingers winding in the ends of my hair. Her tongue brushes my bottom  lip causing me to gasp into her mouth. My body is exploding in desire and warmth.

Her tongue cautiously darts over my lips again before slipping into my mouth, she isnt forceful or dominant as she explores my mouth but instead gentle and sweet. I can feel my pent up energy melting away as I begin to purr against her.
When she pulls away she rests her head on my chest for a moment and I can hear her whisper, “I am glad you found me… I am glad I am no longer alone..”

I feel Gabriel push her tightly between us with a growl and I pulled from my little world and back to the reality of the situation. I had just killed the Alpha after informing the pack we were taking their future alpha as well. The Luna also lay dead along with another woman our little mate shredded.  If we had been anyone else but members of one of the royal packs they would have probably killed us already.

However because of who we were the council would now have to get involved. Investigations would be made, reports filed. All of the evidence of wrong doing justified the deaths of both Alpha and Luna. This would take time though and I had a promise to keep.

“Rebekah, I need you and your mate to handle everything here until the council decides the fate of this pack. Carl knows how things work and I think things will go smoother if we leave the two of you in charge.” I voice in a calm commanding tone.

I glance around at the warriors who stand uncertain of how to treat us. I killed their Alpha but I hadn't yet moved to offer an explanation for why it had happened. I snort in irritation, I never liked this part.

“Your Alpha was lacking. He allowed illegal activities to happen within your pack, including murder and rape. As the Alphas of the Shadow Hunters, it is our judgement that Alpha Collin Kraft be put to death for his numerous crimes against our kind, the council, and the royal families.” I bark out loudly at the warriors. “Carl Kraft will remain here, along with his mate, until the council has come to investigate the full corruption of this pack. Any cleared of wrong doing will be allowed to transfer packs until a new Alpha is decided upon.”
Carl nods and turns to the warriors, “Go grab some clothes for them then call everyone in for a meeting.”

The nearest two bow and leave the room as my attention returns to my tiny, very naked, mate who is pressed very firmly against my growing excitement with a bright blush dusting her cheeks. I lower my head to one of her small shoulders and I can feel Gabriel do the same. She is shaking, but had we not been touching her we never would have noticed it.

‘We will leave soon. You are safe with us..’ I can hear Gabriel trying to sooth her through the link. ‘They are bringing you some clothes and then we can leave, I already had our bags sent to the car. Just a few more minutes, darling.’

I can feel her breathing hitch as I run my nose along her neck. ‘Just breath us in little one…’

She nods and takes a slow breath in through her nose, her body relaxing as she does. I reach my mark and brush my lips over it, and oh my goddess, she squirms. I can feel her every curve as she moves against me.

Mate. My wolf purrs, contented. Lets take her home.

I watch the two warriors return with a bag of miscellaneous clothing, tossing it down at our feet. From the looks of it, it is mostly drawstring shorts and t-shirts but it will do. Carefully I reach down and fish out a shirt pulling it quickly over our little mates head,  watching as it swallows her small form. I grab myself some shorts and quickly pull them on letting Gabriel pick up our mate.

Right now I am to afraid of what I might do with her if I hold her. I clearly know what my wolf wants but I want her to be ready. Maybe when we get home it will sort itself out. I also need to figure out why I went after Gabriel, it worries me what could have happened. Was I just that mad still?

After everything he has done, everything that will eventually hurt him and our mate, I guess I was. I still am. I will be every time his past hurts her, every time its rubbed in her face, flaunted before her, every single time I will be angry. I will want to hurt him.

She needs us both, wants us both. I can never hurt him because it would only hurt her more. She killed women who touched him, tore them to tiny bits, will she be able to handle court without doing the same.

I frown as we head to the car, signaling our driver that we are leaving now. I have allot to think over, but for now I have a mate and a brother that both need reassured I'm not going to loose it. I watch Gabriel tuck her into the back seat before walking around to the other side,  leaving the door open.

“Christian?” I hear her squeak out. “Come sit with us..”

I climb in beside her, nodding to my brother on the other side of her. She lays her head against my shoulder and throws a leg over my brother before snuggling down between us. It is adorable.

“Take us home.” Gabriel tells the driver as the car begins to move.

The long drive seemed somehow more pleasant than it was coming here, after all we finally found our mate. Our perfect match.

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