No one changes over night

Start from the beginning

I heard her footsteps quite well from her high heels she wore as they tapped against the concrete floor. She looked over in our direction as I held number thirteen close to me. Her eyes instantly lit up and ran to the cage. "This one, he's perfect! The coat, his little face! He's just so beautiful!" Number thirteen woke up startled hearing her squeal. "Here take this and make sure erase him as a product from your list!" She shoved the duffle bag into one of the keepers arms and the other one opened the door to the cage. Number thirteen screamed as he held onto me. "Let go! I'll smack you!" The doe glared at him making him laugh nervously. "Just let go now!" I tried to bite at the keepers hand and he jerked backwards baring his fangs at me. I growled as number thirteen clung to me shaking. "Let me handle this." The doe walked in getting down to my level. "You care for him don't you?" I nodded slowly as she smiled. "So you want him to be safe, but here he has the risk of being eaten. With me he will be safe and live a better life than he has now." My eyes widened as I looked at number thirteen. "Thirteen will be safe?" Thirteen looked at me unsure as I looked up at her smiling face. "I promise."

I hesitantly let him go and number thirteen cried as she picked him up. I pulled off my ribbon and tied in around his wrist gently. "Bye-Bye." I waved as I felt tears forming in my eyes as he reached out for me crying and screaming as I heard the rattle of the door. The sound only kept getting louder and louder.

|End of Dream|

I jumped up in a cold sweat feeling the guilt wash over me from not knowing whatever happened to him. My eyes widened when I heard the rattle again. "What the fuck, it's that damn sound again, where is it coming from?!" I turned on the light in my room and began to look around, the only thing I saw was my window that was pushed opened opened letting in the cold wind blow inside. "When did I open the window? Oh I don't fucking care right now, that sound just triggered a memory that's got me all shaken up, screw it, I'm going back to bed." I walked over to the window shutting it before turning back to bed.

I yawned as I walked down the hall with Legoshi since I couldn't fall back asleep with that damn rattling. I looked at him noticing he had grown taller. "When's your birthday?" Legoshi looked at me as we passed the restroom. "April 9th." I smiled a bit as I ran ahead of him. "That's great, although on a non related note I can't wait till the drama club's break ends! It's going to be fun now that can get on that stage with worrying about my anxiety!" I spun around laughing a little bit. "Yeah you know, you hardly look like the Mist that had transferred here in mid semester." I smacked my hand hard on my chest knocking the air out of me and I started coughing. "You shouldn't do that..." I stood up energetically with a big smile at Legoshi who was generally concerned for me. "I did a lot of work on myself during the summer, my dad and I did some hardcore training, in body; so not only am I stronger but in mind too so I'm basically stronger in my mind too. Does that make any sense? Anyways, I went back to the school that started it all, you know the one that's close to the black market. It's for hybrids and it helped me get over my fears of that place, now I'm a volunteer there. I help out on free days, I even have a permit from uncle Gon to go out on my free days so i can go out into the city!" I smiled showing him my pass real quick before putting it back in my bag. "That's real cool." I smiled at him seeing a common water monitor lizard walk by and my eyebrows frowned as I stopped in my tracks. "Mist?" Legoshi asked as he turned to face me. "Hello? Mist?!" Legoshi waved his hand in front of my face snapping me out of it. "Wha-?! Oh sorry, I kind of zoned out. "I have the feeling I'm forgetting something important." Legoshi shrugged before turning to me. "Actually the club is opening up earlier than expected, all the members in the drama to club kept asking Sanu to allow the club to open early." It went quiet for a moment but I spoke what both of us were thinking. "The club shut down because Louis has been gone for almost a full month now right?" Legoshi looked at me a little shocked but his face softened when he seen my worried face. "Don't worry Louis is strong for a herbivore, I'm sure he's okay." I smiled at him before walking to saying goodbye and go to the gardening club.

"Haru!" I ran up the stairs and opened the door to the club room. Haru jumped a little before turning to give me a disapproving look. "Mist don't do that, you startled me." I smiled sheepishly as I walked over to her noticing she holding something behind her back. "Haru you're hiding something from me aren't you?" Haru sighed as she showed me a piece of paper. "Doku isn't coming back till a little later." My eyes widened as those words left her mouth. "What?! Why?!" Haru sighed as she sat down on the bench and I sat down next to her. "He got into an accident on his way to the airport and is in the hospital. So he's staying there still his injuries heal, he didn't want me to tell you." I frowned at this and got up. "I can't believe it, we're friends and he didn't want me to know this, then you tried to hide it from me?!" Haru looked at me a little shocked and tried to speak but I walked off.

I was very upset that Doku was in the hospital and didn't tell me but told Haru, then told her not to tell me. "Haru...! Don't tell me those rumors are true?!" I ran my fingers through my fur anxiously as I ran into someone. "Oops sorry!" I looked down and saw Mika on the floor. "Oh my bad Mika, I didn't see you there." I helped her up and she glared at me a little before dusting her uniform off. "That's okay..." Mika looked at me smiling and she grabbed my hands. "You okay? You seem a little out of it." I sighed as she let go of my hands and we walked over towards the stair case. "It's just my childhood friend Louis is missing and I don't have any idea where he is at! Doku's in the hospital and didn't want Haru to tell me! Worst of all I think they might be sleeping together since they're that close to where he only wanted her to know..." Mika frowned a little looking at my saddened face. "You know you can't assume stuff like that just because they are together shouldn't you be happy for them?" I looked away kind of upset by her question and I let my ears fall back. "Y-Yeah..." I looked away from her and she looked at me concerned. "Mist do you like Doku by any chance?" My eyes widened as she said that. I could feel my face heat up a little before I calmed myself down. "I don't know, for awhile he's only been a really good friend to me." I looked at her and she wore a teasing smirk. "In my opinion Mist... I don't think it's a bad thing if you fell in love with him, I mean he's nice, he saved you from being devoured by Cora and then the Shishigumi, plus you two hang a lot together, not only that I think he likes you too." I sighed looking up at the ceiling. "Mika for one... I don't know if I'm in love with him yet for the fact I never given it that much thought, besides if he liked me he would've told me by now." Mika's ears flipped back sadly as I got up and turned to her. "Maybe I do like Doku but I can't sit around waiting for him to comeback or man up enough to ask me out." I gave her a gently smile before turning away. "Mika I just can't be like you and wait around forever." Mika pouted at this and stood up. "Don't bring Yuu into this, just because you're just a fucked up mess from how you were treated as livestock in the black market!" I turned around a little shocked.  Mika covered her mouth with her hands very regretful and ashamed at what she said. "Mist I'm so sorry, you were hurt and you were making a comparison, then I said something totally out of lin-" I bared my teeth a little from my anger. "Yeah! You did, so don't talk to me for the rest of the day!" I turned around when I heard that annoying sound that hurt my ears.

I walked away from her and I heard her run after me but I didn't stop till I reached my dorm room. "What is that sound and why is my life more complicated than before?!" I screamed as I fell back on my bed as I looked at the ceiling. "Doku..." I frowned as I wrapped the blanket around my body while I felt myself slowly begin to fall asleep.

Shadowing mystery - Beastars Fanfic [Book Two] (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now