Everything changes

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Warning this will contain:
Sexual content
Vulgar language (cursing)
Etc... (Meaning adult and bullying scenes along with other stuff that's related!)

This warning is for people who most likely ignored the mature rating! You have been warned!

The characters thoughts will be in this font as well as their dreams and flashbacks and now without further ado onto the story! Not only that there's a new writing format I wanted to try out so I'm going to be writing in that format during the story.

(Also I drew the book cover myself so please don't use, repost or steal it, thank you. )

I stood there with a smile on my face as I stared up at the big school building I came to know as home. "I'm back everyone!" The summer break has almost ended and we were going back two weeks early to get settled back in. "Mist! Wait up!" I turned around and saw Shukuen running behind trying to catch up. "Sorry, I just can't wait. I'm finally me now and I am ready to show it!" Shukuen panted as she made it to me. "Can you show it in a walking manner?" I rolled my eyes while we saw felt the sun hit our body's as we continued our way to school. When we got to the building we made it to the dorms. I pointed towards the boys dorm smirking. "You want to see Jack?" Shukuen shook her head and looked away from me. "That's right, you never told me what happened at that festival, you mind filling me in?" Shukuen started laughing nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "I... actually got rejected... in front of all of my friends..." Shukuen frowned a little bit as she looked towards the girls dorm. "Anyways don't worry about! I'm fine now, besides I want to see my pals in the choir club!" I nodded and she ran off rather quickly. "Poor Shukuen that's why she was so moody in the beginning of summer... I'll deal with her broken heart later, nothing helps better than ice-cream but now I just want to see my brother that I hadn't seen in over a month. The reason for that is he would never get his lazy butt out of bed!"

I walked into the boys dorm getting weird and embarrassed looks from the guys mostly because some had just recently woken up and they were still in either their underwear or pajamas. When I made my way to his dorm room I opened the door cheerfully as I covered my eyes. "Make sure you're decent, a girl is walking in!" I uncovered my eyes and saw Jack bending down to Legoshi's level just staring at his snout sticking out of the curtain. "Aww~ Legoshi is sleeping how I use to when I was a kid~" I smiled at the sleeping Legoshi. "Good afternoon Jack." Jack looked at me with a smile before looking back at Legoshi. "What is it?" Jack handed me his bag of chips and I seen him wave a dust ball off his nose. My eyes widened as I saw his nose begin to twitch slightly towards his hand, I stifled a laugh as Legoshi opened his mouth. "Uh oh... he smells the chips~ Should I warn him? Nah he broke Shukuen's heart, this is karma!" I tossed a chip in my mouth as I heard Jack squeal like a little girl, no it was more like a whistle on helium. I almost felt bad seeing him panicked as Legoshi bit his hand.

"Aaaaah! Mist help!" I sweat dropped as I ate another chip. "What do you exactly want me to do? I maybe his sister but do I look like his alarm clock?" Jack panicked more as he tried to wake him up. "STOP BITING ME LEGOSHI, YOUR JAWS! PLEASE!" I watched Legoshi open his mouth with his eyes now snapped opened. He sat up opening up the curtain and looked down at Jack. "Morning? You alright? You know I smelt something really delicious a second ago." Jack laid on the floor a little relieved. "Yeah, let's just head to our summer classes." Legoshi nodded and looked over at me with his fur all messy in his groggy state. "Hey Mist." I nodded before hugging him. "Morning big brother!" Legoshi smiled as he returned it. "Yeah morning, I see you're not afraid of carnivores that much anymore and I'm still not use to being called that yet." I nodded and let go of him. "Yep and get use to it!" Legoshi grabbed his clothes out of his dresser and looked at me sweat dropping. "You know I thought you already took your summer classes earlier?" I smiled a bit as I walked closer to him. "Yeah well... we wanted to get back into the school routine since break is ending in two weeks." Legoshi nodded as I ran to the door. "Where are you going?" I turned him kind of shocked. "I'm standing out here, I'm not watching you two get changed!"

I closed the door behind me and I ran towards the herbivore male dorm when I smelled a familiar scent. I placed my head on the door handle and walked in smelling his scent. "Louis?" I looked around and didn't see him at all. "I wonder if he's attending summer classes now?" I looked at out the window seeing the green leaves still hanging in the trees outside. "Mist?" I turned around quickly and seen headmaster Gon. "Uncle Gon!" I greeted his with a hug and he looked down at my smiling face. "My, you're quite cheerful today. Anyways what are you doing in Louis's room?" I looked him a little bit embarrassed. "Well I thought he'd be in here him and I are childhood friends... I wanted to greet him, is he in classes already?" Uncle Gon looked at me with a frown and sad eyes. "Mist you don't know do you?" Louis been missing since the Festival of the Meteor..." My eyes went wide as I frowned slightly. "Oh... I see... I'm going to find my another friend Haru now." He watched me leave as he closed Louis's door, locking it.

I opened the door to the gardening club as I saw the flowers in full bloom. "That's right Doku isn't going to be here for another two weeks, I think he went on vacation with Shiro and his family." I sighed as I leaned against the shed wall as I looked up at the scar. "None of my friends are with me right now huh? Doku is still on vacation and will be doing his classes over seas for a little bit, Haru is in her summer classes, Mika is still back home hanging out with her new boyfriend and Louis he's who knows where." I sat down with my back against the shed. "Now I know I wasn't dreaming that Louis was there at the Shishigumi's hideout. I hope he's okay!" I gripped my uniform as I felt myself start to tear up. "No! I can't... Louis, you better not be dead you dumbass!" I got up wiping the rest of the tears from my eyes and went in the direction of drama room.

I sighed as I walked down the steps going to go to the drama room. When I saw everyone at the door. "Hey guys! Why are you standing outside-? That's right we don't have club through August 25 to February 30th." Els turned to me and smiled. "Hey Mist, have you been crying?" I laughed a bit nervously as I waved her off. "No, I just stomped my toe earlier and it really hurt, it made my eyes water. Does it really look like I was crying?" I pulled out my phone and looked at my reflection. "You should be more careful." Bill states and I nodded as I put my phone away. "Yeah will do." Els started laughing and I began to laugh too. "We're are so forgetful, we showed up for club even though it's closed." I began to stop my laughter as I saw a familiar face. "It'll be our secret." Bill smiled a big grin at us. "I've got to go!" I waved goodbye to them and I saw her. "Haru!" I hugged her and she laughed. "Hey Mist, you're back and very cheerful!" I let go nodding. "Yeah I spent the summer break getting over my fears of others and now I feel so free, oh yeah your Venus flytrap is a little diva, Midori would not eat it's flies cold!" Haru laughed as we made out of the school building. "Hey wanna come over to my room later, I have fresh watermelon in my mini fridge. My family cut some today before I left." Haru smiled as we made our way to my room where Shukuen was waiting.

Shadowing mystery - Beastars Fanfic [Book Two] (Slow Updates)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang