Doku Returns

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I sighed as I stared at my phone waiting for a reply from Louis. It's been a couple weeks since that day, since he confessed to me but he hasn't reached out no matter how many time I contact him. I felt so confused and distraught until a familiar scent made my eyes widen.

I didn't have time to fully turn around before a arm wrapped itself around my waist hugging me. I tilted the head back to see Doku. "Miss me?" I wiggled around to where I was facing him. I hugged him tightly. "Never leave me again, things are totally messed up since you left." Doku laughed as he tried to back up but I wouldn't let go. "Mist?" I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist making him blush. "I'm not letting go, I just got you back!" Doku sighed patting my back.

We stayed like this until we heard Haru. "We'll look who's back and hogging my other favorite club member." I stuck my tongue out at her as I let go of him. Haru hugged him and quickly backed off. "How was your overseas vacation?" Doku smiled. "It was eye opening, hey Haru should go sometime."

I felt slight twinge in my chest seeing them being so close to each other. "Is Mika right, am I in love with Doku but I'm in love with Louis right, gah I don't even know anymore do I?!" I sighed as left them and without much surprise they didn't notice me leaving. I made it to my next class which was literature and grammar, I had already learnt this stuff so I became dull to where I fell asleep.

I snored softly in the class until I heard a strange sound. I jumped up making everyone look at me. Miss Marie turned around smiling. "Thank you Mist for volunteering to put the next grammar correction on the board." My face dropped as I went over to the board nervously. Luckily I knew the answer and I wrote it on the board before returning to my seat. Mika snickered as Doku put his arm on my head. "You were kidding she could figure out the answer in her sleep." Doku chuckled as I pushed his arm off my head. "Why didn't you two wake me?" I glared at both of them. "I was eating some sweets before class and you would've smelt them on my hands, then you could've bitten them in your sleep!" Mika looked away as she popped a piece of gum in her mouth.

Doku sighed as he rested his head on my shoulder. "You were so adorable, I couldn't wake you. It would've been terrible to disrupt your peaceful slumber." I licked his face which made him jump back blushing. "Hey! Don't do that!" Miss Marie glared at him as she was about to open her mouth the bell rang.

"I can't believe you licked my face!" Doku looked away all flustered as I clung to his arm. "Aww~ You're being cute!" He pushed me away from him before staring down at me. "I know the only reason you're being clingy is because my scales are cool and it's hot out." I pouted because he caught me. I crossed my arms and began to mumble. "If... I was Haru you'd let me." Doku stared at me leaning in. "Sorry, Mist did you say something?" I shook my head and walked away. "It's nothing."

I walked over seeing Shukuen sitting over on the bench with Collot laying his head in her lap. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Collot laughed her comment off. "Sure are feisty today aren't you?" Shukuen narrowed her eyes at him. "You're awfully clingy today, it's too hot for this. Back up." Collot laughed more as she pushed him off. "Aww, still shy I see?" Shukuen spotted me and ran off cheerfully. "Mist, hey, hey, let me copy your homework from biology." I sweat dropped handed my text book to her. "Here, just don't copy it exactly or I'll get in trouble." Shukuen smiled taking it from me. "Got it!" Collot walked over to her and grinned. "I can help you with your homework if it's too much trouble for you." Shukuen then gave him a side eye. "Nah, Mist's homework is the best." I sweat dropped at her comment.

I hummed a tune as I watered the plants at the Gardening Club, when I got a text. My eyes lit up, it's from Louis!

"Mist, it's been awhile, sorry I hadn't responded sooner. I've been busy as of lately."

"Doesn't matter! Text me back immediately, you know how much I worry about you.

Louis: "Say are you free this weekend?"

Me: "Yeah, why?"

Louis: I want to hang out with you again, meet at the Udon Bebebe restaurant at 1:00 pm."

Me: "That sounds great!"

I was so happy to hear from him again, I was starting to worry. I wonder if he's been eating okay? I was taken off guard as Doku put his arm around my shoulder startling me. "You seem spacey today, everything okay?" I jumped nearly dropping my phone. "Don't do that!" Doku sighed. "Sorry, you just seemed distant lately." I put my phone up in my pocket. I stared at the puddle on the ground not making eye contact with him. "Like I said, a lot happened." Doku hugged me tightly resting his chin on the top of my head. "I'm willing to listen." I stayed silent not sure where to begin. Doku sighed letting go of me. "I'll be here if you change your mind Mist." My eyes saddened seeing him walk away. "What do I do?!"

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