His choice/His arrival

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I was out late with permission of course, I had to put away equipment for drama club and I told my dorm mother before getting the okay. I stood frozen as a familiar scent hit my nose making me tremble with excitement. I turned in the direction of it and started running towards. "Could it be?! Is my nose wrong? No, it's got to be... him!" That's when I saw the fountain come in to view and seen a shadow walking passed it and I picked up the pace.

I kept going and I couldn't stop, I actually blacked out for the first time. Before I knew it, I lost control. I tackled him, I felt my brain go numb as my body trembled as his scent made my body take over unexpectedly. I held him against the ground with my body pushed against him to keep him from escaping. I opened my eyes letting tears fall down and it hit the heart necklace that my friend Louis got me dangled down in front of him. I stared down in disbelief that he was here... that he was alive. It was number thirteen, it was really number thirteen and he was staring back up at me in shock.

"It's- It's you..." I pushed myself up falling back off him and started to cry. Number thirteen was a grabbed my shoulders and glared at me. "Why did you never come find me, do you know how worried I was?" My eyes widened as tears slowly started to form in his eyes. "T-Thirteen?" I touched his tear stained face and he now touched my hands gently. "Damien, my name's Damien now." I nodded as he hugged me, I clung to him in response as I was afraid to let him go. "Sorry, I tried! I really tried but no one would believe me... that you- you were ever there... you were completely erased from the product list." I cried some more while he buried his face in my chest as he began to cry.

After awhile he stood up wiping away his tears, he took my hand in his and pulled me up. "Come on you're a carnivore, don't cry like a baby now." I starred up and saw him smirking which made me smile as I wiped away my tears. "God, you sound like Louis." I stood up and saw his face filled with confusion. "Number four, that's his name now." Damien nodded as he narrowed his eyes at me. "Damien?" I tilted my head in confusion as he tightened his grip on my hand making my face heat up.

We heard footsteps coming up behind us, Damien pulled out a taser and held me close. I froze until my eyes widened at who he was pointing the taser at. "Damien no! It's Louis!" I could feel my heart start to pick up it's pace as Damien looked back at me with those eyes. I watched him put away the taser and Louis stared at him. "Mist, do I know him from somewhere?" I looked back up at Louis and smiled. "This is number thirteen! You remember him."

Louis eyes went wide with shock as he walked closer to us. "Not only that, I actually go by Damien now." Louis and Damien shook hands with each other before Louis stared at him for a moment before he snapped his fingers in realization. "Now I remember now, your mother is the owner and CEO of the coexistence corporation. The only company who takes and gives equal treatment to both herbivores and carnivores, who also supports interspecies marriage. Your mother hired a bunch of lawyers and made interspecies marriage legal, impressive. Your family caused quite the scandal." Damien rolled his eyes at Louis and crossed his arms. "At least my family is accepting to change besides that doesn't really matter, afterwards it made my family's corporation become more popular than the Horns conglomerate. Is that why you're so hostile towards me because you feel threatened?" I just stared wide eyed as I back up to get away from them. I swore the tension was getting so thick that I couldn't breathe.

I jumped in pushing them apart. "H-Hey! Why don't we go back to my dorm it's getting cold out here and it's not just from both of your icy demeanors!" Louis and Damien sighed as I grabbed both of their hands.

*Damien's Pov*

When I we got to her dorm room, Mist practicality pulled us into her room and she put her finger on her lips and made a shush noise. "So Louis spill, where have you been?" I frowned and he sighed in response. "Far away..." I narrowed my eyes at him not liking his answer. "Fine, Mr. vague." I smiled as my ear twitched a little. "So Damien what about you?" I felt my eyes begin to soften at her curious demeanor. "I've been going to private school until I transferred here, I guess it was fate that brought me here." I watched her eyes widened as her tail began to wag. "You believe in that stuff too?!" My heart fluttered as she exposed her fangs at me. "I didn't know seeing her again would get me so worked up." I felt my heart beat faster watching her. "Damien?" Mist touched my face slightly and Louis flicked her forehead. "You're baring your fangs." I watched her fall back, covering her mouth embarrassed. "Sorry, Damien! I got so comfortable doing that around Doku." My face scrunched up hearing that name. "Doku? Who the hell is Doku?" Louis sighed. "Yeah, you tend to be too relaxed around him. Even though you're friends I told you stay on your guard." Mist nodded, she laughed nervously in response to his words. "Can someone fill me in here?" Louis looked over and stared at me, not speaking a word he got up and open the door to her room. "That's Mist's story to tell, I'll see you later Mist."

Mist picked up her phone and typed something. We all heard a ding from his phone and she glared at him. "You been ignoring me this whole time?! I thought you changed your number!" Louis backed up from her outburst pulling out his phone. "My phone got broken, so I had it replaced and where I'm at it's kind of hard to deliver messages." He held up his phone and put away. "I have to check in with the dorm mother and headmaster tonight, so I have to go. Make sure you don't stay out too late Damien and I'll text you later Mist." Damien waved him off and Louis left closing the door.

I was about to leave when I felt something warm and fluffy wrap around my neck." I glance down and seen I was wearing a fluffy blue knitted scarf. "It's getting cold at night and you're not wearing a lot of winter clothes." I smiled at her exposing her fangs to me again, it was like she knows what buttons to push. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead, I watched her eyes widen as she backed up and while I tried to keep my cool. I left her room leaving her there in a confused state while I went to the headmaster myself.

*Mist's Pov*

"What just happened? What just fucking happened?!" I touched my forehead slightly and I slammed open the door in uncertainty. "Damien!" I looked around to see I reacted too late and he was gone. I sighed and went back to my room slightly.

I went to drama club as normal and we were about to start rehearsal when I seen Legoshi and Louis walk through the door and everyone ran up to them. "Louis is that you?!" Els was the first to run up and then the others followed her lead. "You did come back like the rumors said!" Dom looked at him in shock. Sanu was on the verge of tears and was the most happy out of everyone. "Where have you been Louis?! We were all worried!" Louis looked at them quite broken up. "Louis... what's wrong? What happened after you left my dorm room, before you were smiling and laughing with me..." I watched him curiously. "I'm sorry for worrying you all." Louis bowed apologetically and Sanu just continued scolding him. "Worry doesn't been to describe what we felt, we couldn't practice! Oh I'm just so glad to see you back!" Sanu started crying and Louis handed him a sheet of paper. I walked over and looked at it. "Leave form? He is really leaving after all..." I looked at him sadly and he didn't dare to look at me. "I'm really grateful for the time I had with you all." Sanu face was painted with confusion as he took it from Louis hesitantly. "But the club it can't possibly go- "The stage, it brings back so many memories and stood in the fake lights while they awaited my downfall while I enchanted them with my acting. Everything's turned around now isn't it? Do your best to stand in the shallow light Legoshi. I'm fighting my battles in a new way!" My face went pale as he walked out the door. I ran after him worried that he'd make a stupid decision.

"Louis! Stop, Louis please!" Louis looked at me as we stood outside with the plants that were slowly falling out of bloom. "What's going on? Does this have something to do with what you said last night about the place where you're going?" Louis looked ahead of him for a moment and back at me. "Yes, I'm sorry but this is the way it has to be. This is possibly the last time you'll see me in person for awhile." I frowned as I looked at him. I felt tears fill my eyes and see him walk closer. I was taken off guard when he kissed me passionately. "I still love you and this is the one thing that won't change when I leave and I refuse to give you up to no one." My eyes widened as I felt my face tear up. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text.


Please don't do anything you'll regret. :(

He took out his phone and smiled. "Don't worry, I won't do anything I'll regret. Trust me I thought about this for months." I frowned as I stared at him. "Okay, just be safe." Louis smiled and walked away. I watched him leave, as the wind blew behind me. "I hope he's not doing something stupid..."

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