They Slap Your Butt-

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VanossGaming (Evan Fong)- You were currently making dinner for you and Evan, he was in his office wither making videos or music, you couldn't tell as you were too busy zoning off to your music you played in the background. You hummed along and swayed your hips slightly not noticing Evan come downstairs and into the kitchen.

He watched you make dinner while softly singing or humming to the music. He saw your hips sway which made him smirk and chuckle he walked up to you and pinched your butt which made you gasp a bit "Jesus Ev, a little warning next time" you said as your face flushed,

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head in your neck "Sorry Hummingbird, just thought I would surprise ya" he said, you blushed and rolled your eyes as you went back to finishing dinner.

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)- You were short and David was tall that's all I gotta say. You were in the kitchen and you needed something off the counter but the problem was, you couldn't reach and you didn't want to ask David cause you're a grown adult that can do things herself.

You sighed and rolled your eyes as you hopped on the counter to grab what you needed. You didn't hear nor see David come in as he watched in awe at your tiny self get on top of the counter.

He smirked as he walked up to you and smacked your butt which made you gasp a bit as you held onto the cabinet trying not to fall from the sudden impact "Fockin hell David!" you shouted, he laughed which made your face flush as you huffed and hopped off the counter and walked away,

"Awww Y/N I was just playing" He stated, you rolled your eyes as he grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you towards him. He picked you up and left his hands on your butt which made you huffed and look away, he chuckled and pampered your face with kisses "awe I'm sorry, you were just too cute with your little booty stickin' out, I had to smack it" He said teasingly,

You blushed and rolled your eyes which made David chuckle as he pressed his lips against your making you smile and kiss back, forgetting you were ever mad.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)- Tyler normally smacks your ass when you're distracted by things or if your butt is anywhere near him. If you're cooking or cleaning or if you're bent over something to do whatever, Tyler will not hesitate to smack your butt which makes you squeak, blush and glare at him and he'll only laugh and walk away leaving you flustered.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)- Because of you ADHD you're always running around, shaking your hips and everything. Del finds it funny cause out of nowhere you'll just start dancing and singing which makes him laugh and anytime he sees your booty shaking he will not hesitate to smack it which always makes you blush with embarrassment but you continue to dance and sing anyways.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)- He does it all the time you cook and clean cause you always offer to cook and clean and Anthony appreciates you so much cause you do so much for him which you don't mind cause you know YouTube keeps him busy and you don't mind doing things for him cause you love him so anytime you cook or clean and Anthony sees you doing so. He'll have no shame in hugging you from behind and grabbing your booty which always catches you off guard and makes you blush like there's no tomorrow which makes him chuckle and go back to doing what he was doing.

TheGamingTerroriser (Brian Hanby)- He literally has no shame in smacking or grabbing your ass everytime you walk away or it's in his view...catches you off guard eveytime and makes you blush and glare at him while he just laughs and throws a snarky comment your way just to see you blush and smile.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)- Your relationship is strange because people never assume you're together cause you both are always so silly. So jokingly Scott will slap or grab your ass at random times as a joke or in the most inconvenient way to make you hurt yourself in some way which will make him laugh and you butthurt for a moment then laugh it off as he comforts you so...

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- Marcel has no shame in smacking or grabbing your butt whenever he has the chance. Always catches you off guard which just makes him laugh.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- He's honestly still a little shy when it comes to affection cause that's just him but the only time he'll ever touch your butt is when he's still sleeping cause sometimes you'll wake up half on him and his arms will be not only wrapped around you but rested on your butt which makes you chuckle and just lie there cause you know he'll never do it consciously unless it's by accident.

(Kinda rushed thru this so sorry it's shit. But hope you enjoy! If you have any preference suggestions then leave em below!)

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