When You Play with His Hair-

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VanossGaming (Evan Fong)- Oh man he LOVES it when you play with his hair, especially when you both go to sleep and or after he's finishing recording with his friends. Whenever he edits, he'll ask if you can play with his hair cause it helps calm him down and makes him relaxed.

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)- He also loves it when you play with his hair. You mainly do it whenever you both are sleeping and can't get to sleep then you'll play with it to calm you both down and get to sleep better.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)- He doesn't seem like the biggest fan of other people touching his hair. He will literally ONLY allow it if you're stressed and or upset.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)- (I'm going to assume he's got short hair cause idk) This man is like a literal puppy dog; he LOVES it when you play with his hair and will literally BEG you to mess with it which makes you laugh all the time but play with his hair anyways.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)- He's very self-conscious about his hair cause of his balding/hairline so he never really lets you play with it but you reassure him that it doesn't change how you feel about him and make him feel better and because you give him the confidence, he allows you to play with his hair which all in all isn't bad as he says it is.

TheGamingTerroriser (Brian Hanby)- He loves it when you play with his hair, he literally slumps down and relaxes cause it feels so good to him. It makes you laugh everytime because he makes the funniest faces.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)- He doesn't have much hair to play with but it's nice to rub mindlessly whenever you both are relaxing.

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- You adore his poofy hair. Like you absolutely love it and you love playing with it. Whenever you and Marcel cuddle, he'll ask you to play with his hair and by like the next 20 minutes he'll be out like a light.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- Also doesn't have much hair to play with (I assume) but you like rubbing his head regardless cause it's surprisingly really calming.

(Enjoy some more. Might as well)

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