Notes from the author

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Well, as always I want to start by saying thank you for reading this short story. 

Pop is the kind of father I wished I had growing up. He's incredible, loving, fierce, protective and he loves his daughter with his whole being. Most of all, he's present. That's certainly the type of man I chose to marry. I knew a long time ago that I wanted my children to have everything I ever longed for in a dad. So, if you're wondering why I would put effort in writing a short story about a 49 year old man and his family, that's why, haha!

Seriously... if you got through this short story and you love the work, #1, thank you. #2, please give me a like and comment! I very much appreciate every single one! :) 

This book is dedicated to all of you out there who are still wishing on stars for a father's love. (Psalm 68:5 - He's a father to the fatherless.)

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