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"Can you repeat the question?" I asked, leaning closer. "I could have sworn I thought you just asked me if you could marry my daughter when you guys aren't officially dating."

"Hear me out, sir. I know we aren't exclusive, but I want to marry your daughter more than I want my next breath. I've loved her for so long that I can't imagine my life without her in it."

"What happens when she dumps you?" I threw out and he flinched. Mission accomplished.

"Well, I really hope that doesn't happen, but if she does then, she does."

"I still don't understand why you're asking me this now. Are you trying to ruin my engagement day? Is that what this is?"

"Absolutely not! I just want to be prepared. I want to know that you're going to be behind us, no matter what direction this relationship takes."

Instead of answering I just gave him a weird look. I was trying to convey doubt but I think I might have looked like I had heart burn instead. I did have heart burn, though. He was asking me if he could marry my kid and it was stressing me out. I was one for a nice, simple life. No stress, no worries and no heart burn. Was that too much to ask?

"Mr. Cooper," he stood and began to pace my office. "Bentley looks at you with more respect than I've ever seen someone give their parents. You're more than just her dad, you're her role model and an inspiration to her life. If there's a moment that I feel I want to tell her I love her or ask her to marry me, what if she says no because I haven't talked to you about it?"

"Son, I hate to tell you this, but you're making the case against my permission a lot more bullet proof than the one you're actually pleading."

He sighed in frustration and sat down again. "You're making this so hard."

"Did you expect me to clap you on the shoulder and welcome you into my family?"

"No, I actually expected something quite like this," he laughed. "What is it I have to do to prove my love for Bentley?"

I sat in silence for a while. I knew he loved her. I knew if there were a bullet headed for that girl, he'd jump in front of her and take it. I'd witnessed enough of them together to know she'd do the same for him.

How was I supposed to be a good father and know that my daughter loved someone enough to die for them? How did I really tell a man he could marry her, if that's what she wanted, and give him permission to take her away from me, forever?

How did I say yes to her future as a wife and a mother before she even knew what I was doing? This was such a weird thing, asking for permission. If I said no and she loved him, she would never forgive me. Then she'd probably marry him anyway.

I liked Brennan a little more for coming to me. I was glad to know he at least respected Bentley enough to make sure her father approved of him.

And I did. Approve of him, I mean. He was exactly the man I would have hoped for, for her. He was driven, hard working, respectful and sensitive. He seemed to know what she needed before even she did at times.

"You can clean the rest of the parking lot up," I finally answered. He narrowed his eyes in my direction.

"You're kidding me."

"Not at all. If you want to marry my kid you have to work for it. I want to see sweat."

"I've shed plenty of sweat, and blood I might add, for her already. I'm not asking for permission to take her on a date, Cooper. I'm asking for her hand in marriage. I want to marry her."

"I'm perfectly clear on what you want. I'm telling you I'll give you my blessing if you go pick up the trash that's thrown all over the parking lot, and, well, as long as she wants to actually marry you. I think there was a young guy here today giving her the eyebrows, if you know what I'm sayin'."

He hesitated before saying, "I know what you're saying."

I had to fight my smile the entire time he was outside picking up garbage. He did good, I'll give him that. Jerry finally came in, abandoning him to the task.

"What'd he do?" he asked when he was standing beside me. We looked out the large windows that overlooked the lot and I smiled.

"He asked if he could marry Bentley."

Jerry whistled. "Man's got some courage."

"He sure does if he wants to marry a Cooper," I laughed and walked away. 

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