"Hmm, you need to eat something. I'll get you a green smoothie and something light, like a salad," he got in line. I stood by the door as my nausea got worse.

I saw the sign for the bathroom as I walked quickly towards it. Rowen scrunched his brows with concern. I kicked the door open and ran into the stall. I emptied my stomach as I vomited a nasty acidic liquid. I could feel my sweat come down my forehead as my stomach keep emptying the unwanted liquid.

I finally finished as I washed my face, mouth, and hands. I looked at my self in the mirror. I didn't recognize this person. I did have dark circles and my face did look much thinner. My stomach felt much better as I suddenly got hungry. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Rowen sitting at a small table in the corner of the café. He had our lunch ready. He waved at me as I walked towards his direction.

"Feel better," his blue eyes glistened as I sat down.

"Much better and I'm hungry," I grabbed the green smoothie that looked rather delicious considering the color. I sucked on the straw and a tangy flavor exploded on my taste buds. I could taste pineapple and apples but I knew it had some sort of green plant thrown inside it.

"Mmm, this is really good," I was almost done with the smoothie as he bit into his club sandwich.

I finished the chicken salad as my body felt energized. I felt like a new person not tired and needing sleep.

"Thank you," I said softly as I slowly gazed into his eyes. He nodded as a small curve formed on the corner of his lips. His plump lips that I wouldn't mind tasting.

"Do I have something on my lips?" He wiped them carefully as I didn't realize I had focused so hard on his lips.

"No sorry, I was just hmm...," he smirked as he lifted his glass lemon water to his beautiful lips.

"Why don't you take the day off and we can continue our work tomorrow," he took out his wallet.

"I want to work," I lied. I didn't want to go to my empty apartment.

"You need some rest," he got up as he put his jacket back on. "Just go home and rest, that's an order," he winked at me as he went to the cashier to pay.

We stood outside as the sun hit my face again. "Fucken sun," he laughed as I held my hand to cover the sun from hitting my face.

"You need to get out more. Well, I'm heading back to the office. I'll see you tomorrow and no smelling like alcohol," I glanced at the pavement as I didn't want to look at him in the eyes.

"Troy, promise me," what is it with everyone and making me promise? The only promise I'm keeping is Espian's and I'm not sure I could keep his.

"Thank you for lunch and for the day off," I stretched my arm to shake his hand. He gently grasped it as a jolt of electricity shocked us.

"Ohh, that's was weird," he jerked his hand as he gazed into my eyes. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he smirked as he turned towards Kingston Design building. My eyes glanced at his perky butt that looked good in his fitted pants. I shook my head as I headed towards my car.

I got home as I slowly opened the door. I walked into this ghostly atmosphere that I didn't want to be trapped in. I closed my eyes as I could hear Espian's gentle laugh echo throughout the walls. I slowly closed the door as the only light coming in was the sunset coming down through the windows. I threw my keys on the table and walked to my bedroom.

Saving Casanova: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now