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It felt good to be back on tour.

Yeah, Frank was going to miss his kids and the dogs, but he didn't imagined a different life for himself. He belong onstage, playing. That was the only thing that kept him sane.

Especially after the divorce.

He really thought he would end his days with Jamia. But sometimes things don't work anymore, no matter how much you try. And it was better to end things before it got worse, so they could remain friends, which he was grateful for. Over a year later, they were still best friends.

As he dragged himself through the bus, he remembered the familiar feeling of living in a crowded space with others and the smells, and living off poptarts and microwaved burritos. But he was so used to that life, it felt like home.

'Dibs on the middle bunk,' he yelled, and threw his backpack to said bunk, claiming it for himself. He taped the drawing Lily made for him before he left, as well as a picture of the four of them with Lois, and placed the stuffed animals they gave him next to his pillow. Now it felt like home.


He was touring with his friends of Taking Back Sunday, among other newer bands opening for them, and it was the best way to introduce his new project to the world.

He was thankful to Adam for inviting him to be part of the tour, and he knew it'd be fun around them. 'Frank! My man!' he said as Frank joined him in the parking lot of the venue.

'Adam!' They hugged and greeted each other as usual, a little too affectionate, but they'd known each other for so long.

'Glad to see you playing again!'

'Thank you, yeah. It's good to be back.' They sat and smoked, catching up on their lives, while the other bands did soundcheck. Other people joined soon. Frank knew some of them, some he'd never seen in his life. Like the man with the long brown hair and the sweatshirt with all the holes in it, though he looked familiar.

'Gerard!' Adam said, hugging the man, who shyly hugged back.

'Hey,' he said.

'Frank, this is Gerard, remember? From My Chemical Romance?' Wow! So it was him? now he remembered him with the short, silver hair all those years ago. He looked different! But the hobo look suited him pretty well. He was hot. 'Gerard, this is Frank Iero –'

'Leathermøuth, right?' Gerard asked, and Frank nodded, surprised. 'I was a fan.'

'Wow, really? Thanks!' He was flattered. He used to be a big deal back then, and his band was huge. 'I loved the Black Parade album. I was sad when you broke up after that.'

'It was the right time.'

'And you never did music again?' Frank asked. Adam was already walking away, but they kept talking.

'What do you think I'm here for?'

'What? I didn't know! What band you're in?'

'The Fabulous Killjoys.'

'Oh, so that's you?' Gerard nodded. 'Well, welcome back.' And he offered him a cigarette, as the rest of Frank's band joined them.


'Thank you so much, Chicago' Frank said to the audience. 'We are the Future Violents, have a great night!' And then he was off stage.

It was the first night of the tour.

He had missed singing in front of an audience and them singing his songs back to him. But he also missed the kids. He went out for a cigarette, while Taking Back Sunday took the stage, and called the kids before they went to bed. 'Cherry, please let your brother talk,' he said. 'Yes, Miles, I'll bring you a rock.' He soon told them good night, and was about to head back inside, when Gerard joined him. 'Oh, hey.'

'Hey. Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your call.'

'Oh, you didn't.'

There was a long silence, though not awkward at all. 'Your kids?' Gerard asked.

'Yeah. Three of them.' The smile on his face was the most adorable Gerard had seen.

'Aww. You seem like one of those dads who really enjoys being a dad.'

'Well, I do.' Another silence. 'You got kids?'

'No. Never got married. Just a bunch of failed relationships.' Gerard had quit music entirely after the success of The Black Parade, and dedicated his time to write comic books. The thing he liked the most about being away from the spotlight, was that nobody gave a shit about his personal life in the comic book scene.

'Nothing wrong about that.'

'I got two cats!'

Frank just laughed. He didn't know what it was, but he liked this guy's company. And he was cute as fuck.

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