Now is not a good time

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Lucas: "Do you like him? Does he like you?"

Y/N: "I don't know."

Lucas: "Is that the answer to the first or the second question?"


Lucas: "What I'm a really curios child."

Y/N: "I am younger that you for God's sake."

Lucas: "Doesn't mean I need to be an adult just because you are one year younger."

Y/N: "You are a big baby."

Lucas: "Thank you, but big baby is hungry so if you don't mind coming out of the room so we can make some breakfast."

Y/N: "My problems are probably irrelevant because you are hungry."

Lucas: "I'm taking your mind off of your problem, and plus he just left the house."

Y/N: "But it's raining."

Lucas: "He was pissed but sad at the same time and he just yelled at me and left."

Y/N: "Why did he yell at you?"

Lucas: "Because I asked about you."

-Will he be okay? Wake up Y/N he doesn't care about you, just don't think about him. I stood up and took Lucas's hand.

Y/N: "Let's go make you some breakfast."

Lucas: "Finally."


-I finished making breakfast and I told Lucas to call the others but he was gone for five minutes, is it that hard to find six people in this house?

Y/N: "What took you so long?"

Lucas: "Well I helped your grandma with her bags since she is going somewhere I don't even know, and I tried to find Jimin but he is no where to be found."

Y/N: "What about Taehyung and the guys?"

Lucas: "Oh they will be here in a sec."

Y/N: "I'll go see my grandma off then you go ahead and eat."

Lucas: "Wasn't even planning on waiting."

-I walked towards the front door where I saw my grandma waiting for the cab driver to put her stuff in the trunk.

Y/N: "Nana are you leaving us so soon?"

Grandma: "My friend got sick so I have to take care of her, you be careful and take care of them, don't forget to take care of Jimin. He might seem careless but he is actually really sweet and is a real gentleman."

Y/N: "You don't know Jimin, Nana."

Grandma: "Wrong. You don't know him, because he doesn't let you. Pay attention to his actions and you will see I'm right."

Y/N: "I doubt it."

Grandma: "I will say I told you so, now bye my sunshine have fun."

Y/N: "Bye Nana."

-Could she be right? I mean he did act differently when he was alone with me last night, and the kiss this morning. I should have just listened to him why the hell did I run away from him. Stupid Y/N! It's pouring rain outside, where is he?

Taehyung: "Come on Love, it will get cold until you come."

Y/N: "I'm gonna wait for Jimin."

Jungkook: "Stop waiting for him, he will eat when he comes back just ignore him."

Taehyung: "Jungkook stop pushing it, go and eat leave her be."

Y/N: "You can go too, I will wait for a bit here."

Taehyung : "At least put on a jacket, you will get a cold."

Y/N: "It's fine I'm not cold."

Taehyung: "Don't come to me later when you get sick."

-He patted my head and went inside. I'm a bit scared, what if he is in danger or something? He is all alone there on the rain. And it's all my fault.

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