No more lies

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Jimin POV

-Mr. Kim can be so loud sometimes.He woke me up and I can't even fall asleep again.I heard what they were talking about and I turned around trying to fall asleep again before the classes.I heard footsteps coming closer,and then I heard the couch moving.Was she really about to sleep on the couch?I tried to fall asleep for some time now and it didn't help.I got up and saw her sleeping on the couch.

Jimin:"Why do you care so much?"

-I took my blanket and covered her before heading out to the infirmary.She was crying all night,she must be so tired.I knocked on the infirmary door,before I went in.

Seokjin:"Jimin what brings you here?"

Jimin:"I need you to write an excuse for Y/N today."

Seokjin:"Why?Is she okay?"

Jimin:"She is fine,but she didn't sleep the whole night so..."

Seokjin:"And she didn't sleep why?"

Jimin:"She was crying."

-He handed me the paper,but he didn't let go of it.

Seokjin:"What did you do?"

Jimin:" was not suppose to go like that."

Seokjin:"After everything she has done for you,you make her cry."

-What is he talking about?What did she do for me?I brushed it off and I left to go to class.I went in and I gave the piece of paper to the teacher.

Mr. Lee:"Thank you Jimin,have a seat."

-I went to sit and to my surprise Taehyung came and sat in front of me.

Jimin:"That's not your spot."

Taehyung:"Where's my love?"


Taehyung:"Is she not coming?"


Taehyung:"Why not?"

Jimin:"Look I don't care about why she didn't came or anything else if you want to know so badly go and ask her."

Taehyung:"And yet she decided to do that for you."

-He got up and left to sit at his spot.What is everybody saying today?She did nothing for me.


-Finally I get to sleep.I layed on my bed and as I was about to sleep,somebody had to interrupt me.I got up and walked to the door.I opened the door and it revealed a breathless Taehyung.


-I didn't understand a word he said but as he said that she was hurt I pushed him and ran as fast as I could.So many things came to my mind,and none of them were good.I saw a crowd and I figured that she was there.I heard Jin and it made me more worried.

Seokjin:"Everyone back away please."

-As I pushed through the crowd I saw her.She was a crying mess laying on the floor.She looked like she couldn't breathe and I kneeled down to see what can I do to help her.

Jimin:"Seokjin what is wrong with her!?"

-She kept crying and there was nothing I could do to stop it.It broke my heart seeing her like that.

Seokjin:"Help me get her to the infirmary,quick!"

-I picked her up bridal style and ran towards the infirmary.She kept crying and there was nothing I could do to help her.

Roommate | Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now