Please stay

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Seokjin: "There is no way you are doing all that for nothing, so what do you want from him!?"

Y/N: "Are you accusing me or something!? What is wrong with you right now!?"

-What is happening out there? Why are they yelling? Then the door flew open revealing a crying Y/N. I wanted to ask her what's wrong but Taehyung beat me to it.

Taehyung: "What's wrong Y/N!? Are you okay!?"

Y/N: "I'm...sorry...I need to go now...Taehyung please take care of Jimin, and if you need me I'll be in my room."

-And she ran out. All I wanted to do was help her somehow, but I didn't even know what's wrong. After she ran out Jin came in. I was pissed at him.

Jimin: "What did you say to her!?"

Seokjin: "I asked her what was her deal, why was she helping you."

Taehyung: "What the hell is wrong with you!? Can't a person just be nice to Jimin for once!?"

Seokjin: "Well I-"

Jimin: "Save it. Taehyung help me get up, I need to check if she is okay."

-I don't know why, but something in me kept telling me to hurry up and see if she is okay. I can't help it, I just care about her, she is a good person, too good if you ask me. 

Taehyung: "Jimin now is not the time to run!"

Jimin: "I don't care Taehyung, I have to know if she's okay."

-I couldn't wait for Taehyung, he was too slow so I just ran, not even caring about my knees or anything. When I came in front of my room the door was already open. I looked inside and I thought it was Y/N because she was turned around.

Jimin: "Are you okay? I'm sorry about Jin."

CL: "I never heard you say sorry before Jimin, and I guess the apology was meant for that little whore."

Jimin: "Don't call her that! Where is she?"

CL: "Oh you just missed her, she ran out crying."

Jimin: "What did you say to her!?"

CL: "The truth. She will never be good enough to live here with you, and that she should go back where she came from because you already have me to take care of you."

Jimin: "You had no right CL!"

CL: "She came here two weeks ago and she thinks she can get in between us!"


CL: "You don't mean that we know each other since forever."

Jimin: "That's why we will never be more than friends, you are like a sister to me."

CL: "Do you like her?"

Jimin: "No."

-I said it without even thinking. I knew that she could do something stupid if I said I don't know how I feel.

CL: "Than what is it about her?"

Jimin: "I don't know."

-She looked hurt, I don't blame her. She ran out of the room without saying anything. I sat down on the couch and placed my head on my hands. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Taehyung: "What did you say to CL? She is crying again."

Jimin: "I told her the truth Tae. I don't want to be her boyfriend. It's never gonna happen."

Roommate | Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now