22. Please Stay

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As I talk to Ray, Lincoln approaches us. My eyes widen as I see the girl holding onto his arm.

"Hey Lincoln, hi Diane," I greet them, albeit slightly awkwardly. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I did ghost her after all. I can't help but wonder if she's Lincoln's date tonight to spite me though.

"Hey," Lincoln says, "nice place you've got here." I'm not really in the mood for awkward small talk.

Ray seems to sense we want to talk. "Hey Diane, could you come with me to get a drink?" He asks her.

"Yeah sure," she nods. We both mouth 'thanks' to him.

"Hey I'm sorry I lashed out at you," he quickly says.

"No, I'm the one who's sorry, I shouldn't have made you miss Katie's birthday," I run my hand through my hair.

He chuckles a bit. "Thanks, I appreciate it. I know how hard it is for you to admit you're wrong."

I smile and pat his back. "Hey we've basically been brothers for 11 years, you're one of the few I'll make an exception for."

"I'm glad Katie's doing well," he says.

"Yeah-" before I can finish, Katie shows up. I see Tina and Stephanie chasing after her. She stumbles a bit and literally just collapses, I quickly reach forward and catch her before she falls, luckily she's small and light.

"Heyyyy Jason," she slurs, still leaning against my chest, as she looks up and smiles a very relaxed looking smile at me. I can feel the heat radiating from her body.

I frown at Stephanie and Tina. "Jesus Christ guys how much did you let her drink?" I ask, as I try to steady Katie. Her heels are so high I'm worried she's going to hurt her ankles.

They notice Lincoln standing next to me, and look at each other uncomfortably. "It's complicated, we can't explain right now," Stephanie mumbles quickly.

I notice the way Lincoln looks at Katie, then me. It's a mix of bewilderment and discomfort.

"I'm fine!" Katie exclaims, and wiggles out of my arms. She manages to take one step before collapsing again, and I grab her before she falls.

"Alright, I think you're done," I state, "here, you can rest in one of the guestrooms."

I don't think it would look very good to see a guy bringing an extremely drunk girl into a bedroom, so I turn to the girls. "Tina, Stephanie, can you help me bring her there?" They understand and nod. They each take hold of an arm, and guide Katie down the hall, following me. I open the door to the guestroom Katie got dressed in, and they help her into bed. Almost immediately, she's out like a light. We leave and gently shut the door.

"So what happened?" I ask them. Katie doesn't seem like someone who would drink this much.

"Well, she saw Lincoln with his date, and, then uh, that happened," Tina says sheepishly.

I frown. "I see."


I wake up, my head is pounding. I check my phone, it's 4 am. I sit up, it takes me a bit to remember where I am. The last thing I remember is seeing Lincoln with that blonde girl. Oh god, I'm sure I embarrassed myself after that. The door slowly opens, it's Jason. I turn on the lamp on the nightstand.

"Oh you're awake, I was just going to leave some water and aspirin for you," he says softly, handing me a glass of water and a bottle.

"Thank you," I say gratefully, I open the bottle and take one of the pills. "I just woke up. Is the party over?" I notice I don't hear much noise.

"Just about, still a couple of stragglers."

"What happened? The last thing I remember is talking to Tina and Stephanie on the sofa," I lie. I don't want to tell Jason about seeing Lincoln then getting black out drunk.

"You just had too much to drink. You should probably go back to bed, you'll feel worse in the morning if you're tired too," he advises, starting to leave.

"Wait," I suddenly call, and Jason turns around, "please...stay." I don't know where that even came from, but it's too late to take it back now.

He pauses for a moment, and comes and sits on the bed.

Something comes over me and I suddenly tug on the collar of his shirt, pulling him close to me and I kiss him. He reciprocates, his hand holds my lower back, his other hand goes around me and spears my hair, pulling me even closer. My hands go around his shoulders and grab his soft and smooth hair.

My tongue flicks at his lower lip, he opens with a groan that drives me crazy.

He reaches for the back of my dress and unzips it. He pauses for a second with an amused smile. "Hey what happened to the rest of your costume?"

I vaguely remember pulling off the accessories. "Somewhere on the balcony. Now shut up and kiss me."

He laughs, and I pull him back into the kiss. He continues taking off my dress, and I eagerly unbutton his shirt and pants. The usual serious look in his eyes has been replaced with one of fiery passion.

He takes out a condom from the nightstand drawer, and my eyes slightly widen. He is quite...er...substantial compared to Lincoln.

He seems to notice my reaction and smirks.

The desires that have been pent up these past few weeks are released, as our gasps and moans fill the room.


I wake up, the spot where Jason was is cold and empty. My head still hurts a bit as I stand up to stretch. As I'm about to head to the bathroom, I hear the door to the room next door - Jason's room, open and voices speaking. I get closer to my door and listen, which is quite difficult, the walls and doors are thick, but I manage to hear a female's voice, "I had a great time last night Jason."

I slump against the door. I guess what happened between us last night was nothing more than a one night stand to him. 



I'm super lightweight as well lol 

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