The Aftermath

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Notes: Part 2 of Break Up With Your Girlfriend.

Steve tried to be as quiet as possible when he entered the room, only to find that Sharon was already awake, fully dressed, and on the verge of leaving. Talk about walking in at the wrong moment.

"You know it's say her name in your sleep most nights," she said as he entered the room, his throat going dry, he forgot how late it was, he forgot she was still here..he forgot they were still a couple. As soon as he left Natasha's place he walked out a whole new person. "I kind of figured this would happen but please, just please tell me you used a condom."

"I didn't mean to wake you-"

"Please Steve," She said, her voice strained, broken. He's hurt her, he knows he did, he at least owed her to be honest, especially in such a vulnerable state. "Did you use a condom?" She asked again, this time her voice shaking.

"No. No I didn't," he answered. Her face remained stoic, she wasn't crying. It was hard to tell whether she was upset because he cheated or upset because he cheated on her with Natasha.  Natasha wasn't one of  her most favorite people around. Her relationship with Natasha was like his with Alexei. She always had a better career, better popularity with directors, a shoo in for all roles because she was considered a sex symbol. Steve knew she was way more than that. Sharon had earned some good titles too, but it Hollywood 'America's Sweetheart' didn't come close to 'Sexiest Woman Alive'. She envious of Natasha's fame, and she believed by dating Steve, she finally had something Natasha didn't, even if Natasha had him first, it felt good to take something away from a woman who had everything. 

He made it clear the second they started dating, how much baggage he'd come with revolving him and Natasha. He's told her how heart broken he was, he made it clear where they both stood on the end of their relationship.

"How long?". How long has this been going on? How long has he been going behind her back? How long has he been lying to her face and to the press?

He wasn't even sure how it started. It was a very vague memory. "About 3 months ago." When she didn't reply, Steve took that as an ok to continue. "Look, I was going to tell you, I was just waiting for the right moment  to-"

"What does she have?" Sharon asked in a mumble.

"I'm sorry?"

She turned around to face him, "What does she have?!" She asked louder. "Natasha. What does she have that I don't?" Steve was taken aback by her sudden outburst. "Why am I constantly being placed second to her? In movie roles, photo shoots, award nominations? Is it cause she's hotter? Smarter? Russian? What does she have Steve?!"

He couldn't speak on any physical or mental terms as to why she was always 2nd to her. That just wasn't his place to say. He didn't care about looks or how many awards and film credits she has. Natasha was just Natasha, his other half, his heart in human form, she was his everything. He understood that now. What she had that Sharon didn't was simple. "My heart," he answered. "She's always had it and she always will."

Sharon nodded slowly, at least she received a direct answer. She picked up her bag and made a move towards the door, making sure that Steve felt the way she brushed past his shoulder, let it be a remainder to him of how badly he hurt it. No matter how sorry he was. He and Natasha deserved each other. "I hope you're happy together," she said bitterly before slamming his room door closed.

Steve stuffed his hands in pockets for a second more, going over to his nightstand and picking up a photo that's been faced down for the past 11 months. A photo of him and Natasha, he smiled at it, a simple photo radiated the whole room.

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